
Money money money

The West German government became increasingly concerned that hostile communist states may flood the country with counterfeit banknotes. This would devalue the Deutschmark and destabilize the country’s economy as a precursor to an invasion from the East.

So Bundesbank launched a cunning plan. They printed an entirely new secret currency and put them in storage. If Russia and its allies launched an economic attack, the old bills could be withdrawn and new banknotes issued within a matter of days. This would cancel out counterfeit currency. 

Ponder this.  A major Western power had a contingency plan to cancel one currency and issue another within days.  Money is an illusion.  It has no inherent value.  This is why allowing unelected elites to create it in unlimited quantities from nothing is so stupid, so unfair, and so likely at or near the core of nearly all our problems.

My plan is not crazy (I will note I have evolved it since, but been locked out of my own website because the software I used stopped working; the net idea, though, of paying off all debts using a nationalized Fed, then revaluing the currency and never changing its quantity again, remains.)