
Ann Coulter

We have been slowly going mad for quite some time:

We do not denigrate the citizens of any other country the rights to patriotism, and to looking out first and foremost for the people who were born there.  It is natural. It is human instinct.  And logically, if you have to prefer one group over another–if the interests of one group are by and large in direct conflict with those of another group–why do people on the Left choose the OTHER group?  They cannot actually support the rights BOTH of American born blacks and incoming Mexicans who are drawing from the same pool of benefits, and competing for the same jobs.  They speak of their “caring” for one group, and then of their “caring” for the other out of the other side, assuming as children do that Santa has an infinite amount of goodies, and that no one need EVER be told no.  It is the creed of imbeciles.

It is not a question of people being hurt.  There is not and never are solutions in which everyone benefits equally in situations of conflicting interests.  Either we deny some Mexicans the ability–they still do not have the right, and should never have this right, which they certainly do not grant anyone in their OWN country–to come here illegally and take advantage of all the things we have done well on this side of the border to make our economy so much better, and nation so much more just and prosperous; or we deny some Americans the rights to life and liberty, to jobs, and to the highest wages possible.

There is a continuum.  To say that too many illegals are here in this country is not to say there should be no immigration.  It is just to say that if Hillary gets elected and does even less than Barack to enforce the border, and half the country comes up here, everyone will suffer.  Mexicans will get a relatively better deal, since their country by and large seems to be a poor shithole filled with dishonest politicians and cops, and a citizenry that is all too happy to vote for people promising free stuff.  But what America WAS, it will be no more.  Poverty will increase, unemployment will increase, and crime will increase.  That will not be good even for the many millions of Mexican-Americans who did everything right; who are law abiding, hard working, pious and honest; who are an asset to our nation.

I have been feeling keenly this sense of unreality, the way I imagine Germany must have felt in the late 1920’s, at least to the sensitive.   Things were going well.  The economy was relatively good.  The hyperinflation was all gone.  But something wasn’t right.  There was something in the air.  All it took was a sharp economic downturn, and they got Hitler, with his Charlie Chaplin mustache, who they quickly learned to take seriously.

We have lost the ability to speak about, to negotiate, to consider, to bring out into the open, all issues of race and sexuality and gender and consider them honestly.  That this is an intended outcome of social propaganda does not make it any less odious.  Decent people, who should be open to discussion and compromise, are not.  I have to walk a line with friends who watch MSNBC, because I know that if I cross it too blatantly, they will likely not forgive me, because they will have to classify me as a thought criminal.  That is very vexing, and discomfiting.  It is, honestly, painful.  It hurts me to see that we have come this far from true Liberalism, and that this fact is seen by so few.