
Donald Trump

I would pull the lever with more confidence for Trump than Jeb Bush.  And I think this sentiment has spilled out across the country.  BOTH parties have shown they can’t handle governing responsibly.

And given that Obama has lost the war in Iraq, planted the seeds to lose the war in Afghanistan, has created more debt than any President in American history–with only George W. as a competitor–and has rammed through a medical insurance take-over that no sane people who pay income taxes wants or needs (or would do, given sensible and easy reforms), I ask: HOW MUCH WORSE CAN IT GET?

We have a President currently who is beyond incompetent: he is working for our enemies.  He is working for our demise.  And he is getting it.

At a minimum–unlike Jon Stewart and all the silly people who very simply cannot have serious, adult conversations–Trump does love this country, and he can be expected to make decisions to help further its interests.

That should be a sine qua non for being President, but clearly it isn’t.

Granted, he is an egomaniac, and a blowhard, and a hypocrite, and he has often changed his mind.  Why, then, is he still the most honest politician on either side of the aisle? It is not Trump who needs to apologize for saying what hundreds of millions of Americans are thinking: it is those who want to represent us, but show no vision, no courage, no leadership, and no UNDERSTANDING.