

Leads among Hispanic Republicans:

See, here is the thing: Leftists deal exclusively in cartoons and cartoonish caricatures.  They think of “hispanics” and “Mexicans”, and “illegal aliens” as blocs.  They themselves submit to the leadership of thought creators and directors, and assume that everyone must be like them, that all it takes to turn an entire group, like a school of fish, on a dime, once the new Talking Point, or meme is released and propagated, is direction.  You hate the people we tell you to hate.  You love the people we tell you to love.

But Hispanic-Americans are AMERICANS.  They are like everyone else, and they see the rot caused by people sneaking over here and taking jobs from people born here, and/or pushing down wages.  Leftists assume their primary allegiance must be to the group that is used to push identity politics.  Why?  I think it safe to say that most Hispanic-Americans–especially Cuban-Americans–love the Star Spangled Banner, too, and love and respect the freedoms we enjoy, and are more conscious than most of the responsibilities that go with that freedom.

The true racism/prejudice is that expressed by people who naively and arrogantly assume that all of any given “THEM” must be monolithic, and united around shared grievances and petty avarices.  This sloppy thinking is made inevitable by the Socialist rejection of Individualism.  Individuals exist.  Society does not.  Thus, they begin with an unanchored abstraction, and begin their infliction of violence on the truth from there.