
You have to play the game

Most of the time, the obvious thing happens.  In a contest, the stronger, better prepared party wins.  The one with leverage wins.  The one who apparently has all the cards wins.

But not always.  This is why you have to play the game.  Sometimes strange things happen, sometimes all the pundits are wrong, sometimes the impossible happens.  Miracles happen.

I was in a situation today that felt quite bad, but I am in the habit of persisting and adapting, and what felt quite bad suddenly flipped into something strongly positive.  You just never know.

Do what you can, and let Fate (or chance, as you may see it) decide what the outcome will be.  You don’t need to, and never quit until the Universe speaks back to you.  Then retool, and go again.

I can’t begin to count the challenges I have faced stone cold alone.  Nobody has had my back most of my life, not even me.  But I kept going.  And there have been a number of situations, 3-4 come readily to mind, where if things had played out only slightly differently my body never would have been found or identified.

But I think there is something in me–in all of us–which we might call luck, but which is more of a species of intuitive intelligence, where a spontaneous decision completely changes a course of events.  When miracles happen, I think this intelligence is quite often behind it.  Some part of you knew.

It is the task of all of us to identify, befriend, and learn to listen to this part.  That part lives in the Tao, and partakes in the movement that underlies all that is, and all that is not, but could be.