
Donald Trump, another thought

It occurs to me that a big–perhaps key–reason Trump continues to lead the field is that it is a way for exasperated conservatives to tell the complicit media to go fuck itself.  We GET that they don’t like him.  We GET that the reason hit piece after hit piece shows up in our news feeds and as headlines everywhere is that they want him gone.

Their hate becomes a reason to support him, regardless.  And why not?  Despite all the negatives about Obama, his media stuck with him through thick, and now several years of thin.

And I ask you: what major public figure other than Joe Arpaio had the balls to call bullshit on Obama’s birth certificate?  Maybe Michael Savage.  But Glen Beck wouldn’t touch it, and Fox sure as hell wouldn’t, and of course all the rest simply laughed it off.  Birthers.  Crazies.  Neither Romney nor McCain touched it, despite the fact that the FACTS were plainly, clearly, unambiguously on their side.

And as far as him being a Democrat, the Democrats have not always been dominated by anti-American socialists.  There was a time they ACTUALLY gave a shit about the Little Guy.  There was a time they ACTUALLY loved America.

Here are some relevant quotes from Norman Lear, widely known as a “liberal” and lifelong Democrat: 

“Everybody knows me to be a progressive or a liberal or lefty or whatever,” the 93-year-old Lear said, according to Entertainment Weekly. “I think of myself as a bleeding-heart conservative. You will not fuck with my Bill of Rights, my Constitution, my guarantees of political justice for all.

“The people who are running just don’t seem to have America on their minds, not the America I think about,” he said. “When I was a kid we were in love with America. As early as I can remember, there was a civics class in my public school. And I was in love with those things that guaranteed freedom before I learned that there were people who hated me because I was Jewish. I had a Bill of Rights and a Constitution, those words out of the Declaration that protected me. And I knew about that because we had civics in class.
“Everybody loves America. But I don’t need their flag plans to prove it. I’d like to go back to civics lessons.”
These are sentiments no conservative can fault.  There is room for valid differences of opinion with respect to the exact role of government.  As long as one side is not dominated by hard-core ideologues–and the Democrats clearly are–discussion is possible.  
Where we are at currently is that all possible dialogues start with the question as to whether or not conservatives have stopped beating their wives yet.  The intent is to rally the indoctrinated around the idea that we are evil in some essential way, and to keep us either constantly on the defense, or in attacks which can be portrayed as racist, bigoted, homophobic, classist, or whatever other -ism serves the needs of the moment.
Most career politicians soon learn to kowtow to the Left because they don’t like having to defend themselves, and lack the courage and ambition to fight back.  This leads to a single party controlling–or strongly influencing–every discussion.  For at least 15 years, the discussion has been oriented around the question of to what extent the future generations of Americans will be betrayed.  Sanity is never even on the table.  
Trump at least swings back.  
If I can’t get Rand Paul, I will gladly vote for a gun slinger, and simply hope for the best.  He can’t be worse than Obama, and he may just do good work.