I needed to work specious in there somewhere.
Sorry. I really do find myself listening to phrases from his book running through my head as I go to sleep. I think on balance it is a good thing. He is a master of snark. One phrase I remembered was “if we are to believe the accounts of antiquity, chastity was far from being her most conspicuous virtue”, on Severus Septimius’s wife.
I am getting a lot more of his subtle humor because the reader is quite astute at turning phrases.
I started a post on Athanasius, and the persecution of the Christians by the Christians, but I think I am going to defer until tomorrow. Long day.
I do feel, though, that the influence of this book on my own prose will be permanent. That was the entire reason I started it, although I am unexpectedly learning a LOT about Christianity that I had not known.
And I will say again that there really is a qualitative difference between reading a book and listening to it. You process them differently.