

I have reached a point where I can imagine being deeply fulfilled and deeply happy without people.  Not that I need or want to do without people, but that I can do without them, and still be happy.  And it seems to me that this is where true love starts.  You have to be outside the system in order to truly see how it operates.  Put less clinically, the less needy I am, the less my need colors my perception.

Stepping into this world, though, frightens me.  In our culture, need is assumed.  In most cultures it is assumed.  Where I am entering is the monk on the mountain, and this scares me.  But I think it is going to make me a lot smarter, too, and even if I am jumping out into the air, even if I don’t personally know anyone who has made this transition, it is supportive air.  I have been seeing signs everywhere that it is time, but perhaps banally what caused me to post this was SMASHING my previous score on a pattern recognition game in Lumosity I have played perhaps 50 times.  A 50% improvement on a game where I was quite mature.

I feel happy, and it is true that being happy makes you smarter and more perceptive.  Whatever I have thought, whatever I have written, whatever I have done, has been only a small fraction of what I am capable of with the chains off.