These are laudable ideals. They are unique in human history in their universality. All previous experiments with “civilized freedom” were confined to power elites, who in all cases I know of still kept slaves. The Greeks did. The Romans did. Even some of our Founding Fathers did.
And we have reached an age where almost every fact which has ever been known can be summoned before us with a few keystrokes. I can read Shakespeare while I am waiting at the dentist. I can study quantum theory, or Roman history.
And somehow we have reached a point of what might be termed imbecilic saturation. The indoctrinated outnumber the thinkers. Obviously, generalized stupidity has been and remains the goal of dedicated propagandists, but what drives the propagandists? Do Bill Ayers and George Soros REALLY believe their lunatic visions will somehow benefit humanity?
How did this happen? I have attempted in so many ways, so many times, to explain all this, but I am feeling deeply the mystery of this whole thing, like there are swamp vapors on this planet that feed every sickness of the mind and spirit until every last decent sense has departed, every last vestige of genuine reason has been perverted into ideology and habits of mind which cannot be questioned. Until the life we were granted, the divine spark we emerged from the ooze from, has been silenced and abandoned.
The proximate cause of this vexation is an inability to comprehend people who still do not understand that the Koran has an effect on many people which is exactly what was calculated. How does a Muslim man go to Saudi Arabia, come home with a Muslim wife, grow his beard out, collect guns, armor and bombs, put a Go-Pro on to make snuff films with not get called a Muslim terrorist? How are so many people not just willing to not say the obvious, but to defend Islamic terror outright?
We don’t like bullies, do we? What else can it be called when someone puts a gun to your head and says “believe as I do or die?”
What so many people lack is a sense of principle. Some things are inherently right–like protecting the innocent weak–and some are inherently wrong, like oppressing them.
We can and should discuss the morality of our wars. There are many tenable ideas about our wars with Iraq. There are many tenable ideas about what we should DO in the face of Islamic terror threats.
But it has become so hard to speak the truth, for so many. They live in slippery places, where without realizing it, they have come to be mere mouth-pieces for organized propagandists, who can change their ideas and themes on a dime. Rape can be a horrible crime one minute, and a non-issue the next. They will call consensual sex a crime one minute, and defend ISIS the next.
I am really feeling like someone out of my time and place. I know there are many like me, but I needed to get this out. I don’t know if I feel better. I’m going to do my Kum Nye practice. It will be interesting to see what happens.
Update: it went well. What I realized is that I touched a strong current of existential helplessness. I deal with this sense through what is often violent action, which is to say arguing with people who are not ever going to agree with me, because it would require them to admit in the face of a determined and angry person that they are wrong. If you want to lose every argument you ever engage in–if winning is defined as persuasion–then start by insulting the intelligence of the person you are arguing with. Simpler yet: argue in the first place. Dale Carnegie was right.
What I am realizing is that I am somewhat falling prey to a common delusion: if I FEEL I am doing something, I actually am. Now, the emotions have their own logic, and this action is logical from that perspective. But I am a man who values both reason and effectiveness, and I have been silly.
And what I am realizing too is that stupidity is hardly unique to the modern age. There were Salem Witch trials. There were many Inquisitions. The First World War was fought, and so was the Second.
What I think I am sensing is the sheer amount of wasted possibility. Humankind has NEVER been closer to generalized peace and felicity, and yet somehow large segments of our society–understood as Westernized culture generally–want to destroy what has been built. They do not see how much beauty is possible.