I was waiting for my daughters the other day in a restaurant outside the bathroom, and I watched this boy walk by me and go into the girls room. I told him it was the girl’s bathroom, and he said he knew. He was about 12, clearly a boy, and not dressed in the slightest like a girl.
This is our future, on the path we are on. Boys will talk to each other, and say “you can go into the girl’s room. It’s totally OK. They can’t say shit. Just say you feel offended or unsafe if anybody says anything”. And these fucking punks will be getting all excited with the thought and sometimes the reality of seeing girls in various states of undress.
The great lie of what soft Leftism is that you can make everyone happy, that imposing one alleged “right” on society never has any effect on anyone else. As I have said before, for every truly transgender person who benefits from being able to use the bathroom–and let’s be honest, they have been using them for some time, and if they dress well enough nobody knows; these people do not concern me–100 women will suffer the indignity of having men who are clearly men going into the bathroom with them. A small gain nets a large loss.
But this whole thing is driven by the Cultural Sadeists, and their end game is the eradication of culture outright. They want to make individual conscience, based on cultural history and conditioning, a thing of the past. They want the only values anyone has to be the ones they program, and they want only two conditions to be possible: in the social order, and outside it. And if you want to be in it, you have to do what they say.
Look at all the flack North Carolina is getting for this sensible law. What is being set up is the ability to inflict emotional and economic violence on all dissenters to ANY FUCKING THING that happens to be an agenda item that month.
The brainwashing is very, very advanced. People of otherwise goodwill and common sense are on the bandwagon, shouting hate and violence at normal people, good people, who are just trying to look out for their kids.
This is the problem: there is no empathy. There is no discussion. There is no effort at comparing and reconciling differences. There is only in and out, and if you are out the only response is hate, anger, and a concerted effort to inflict pain and discomfort on the non-conforming party. This is not Liberalism. This is Fascism. It is hate taken to its logical extent. It is reflexive, conditioned, code word dependent, unnuanced, and anti-rational. The media says jump, and half the nation jumps. It doesn’t matter who they hurt, how much they injure the cause of public peace and harmony, or where these paths are leading. The drones don’t care. They don’t even know they don’t care. They don’t even know they are responding to operant conditioning of the sort that should not be possible among those who are educated.