
Target response on Facebook

Since I insulted Zuckerberg personally–he deserves it–it will be interesting to see if this post remains.  It was in response to someone calling me a big poopy head for insisting that people with beards not use the women’s room at Target, and that I should boycott Facebook since Mark Zuckerberg also supports the rights of the TQIPOTAQE.

I don’t plan to use the restrooms at Facebook, nor do any of my children. I do use Facebook as a means of political education and propagation, and as such it has been and remains quite useful. That Mark Zuckerberg’s ethical system consists in platitudes, cliches, slavish conformity to anti-rational zealotry, and a healthy dose of anti-empirical atheism, is not my problem. 

I do not boycott Hollywood because most of them are lunatics.  Unreason is in the air and water. It cannot be avoided. 

Your argument is a non sequitur. Combined with your ad hominem, your non-argument is par for the course for the Left. The reason those terms are in Latin is because they were recognized as the last recourse of exhausted minds well before Christ was born. Your form of public ignorance is very old, because it is very easy. Vanity is easy to feel, easy to express. Heartfelt and serious engagement with important topics is work. It feels like work, and most people are lazy. You are lazy, as you show here. 

The point is made that ONLY the rights of .03% of our population matter. Why would this be so? Why would not the rights of mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, not to watch men dressed as men follow their daughters and granddaughters into the womens room matter? You live in a propaganda world, one where only those rights matter which have been stipulated that day by the media elite you worship without reflection, without knowing. If they decided the rights of mothers mattered tomorrow, you would agitate in that direction, because without knowing it, you believe nothing. I believe that everyone has a right to stake their claims, but that not everyone has the right to, or CAN, have them met to their equal satisfaction. 

What we are seeing are claims to power, and power mongering is something we should all fear and oppose.