But as I calm down and begin to work in a more consistent way I am seeing with greater clarity how crazy our lives are. Yes, of course the conservative arguments that free markets and property law are effective at generating prosperity are accurate; and those of the socialists that a centralized State, granted vast powers, can or should alleviate human problems of alienation and disconnection are invalid. Manifestly, large governments and Socialist States are vehicles of disenchantment, moral and social alienation, and social decay. Truth and connection must be found locally, among people–self evidently–you know.
I spent two hours watching a video “Packing for Mars” the other day. While I did not find most of the more sensational claims credible–such as that we have and have long had bases on Mars–the underlying theme that there is an elite, that there are people with access to power and technologies unknown to the rest of us, resonated with me.
I do believe we have underground cities. I have seen them in my dreams, and building them would be perfectly congruent with the many fears which must visit all thinking people of global pandemics, an EMF attack, nuclear war, environmental decay, etc. The money is there, and the will must likely also be there among a power elite not to risk their own futures on the vagaries of present policy and chance.
Both Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Defense Minister, and former Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell have gone on record as saying that the US government has vast amounts of data making it unambiguously clear that aliens have been and continue to visit our planet, and that this fact has been concealed not just from the American people, but possibly top leaders. In my own opinion, one the reasons Trump is feared by the elites of both parties–by what we might term the Superparty, which exists in an unannounced collusion to ensure the victory of one of their candidates in every election–is that he is unpredictable, and that given access to State secrets may choose to reveal them. He wanted the release of the 28 pages of the 9/11 Report made a part of the Republican platform, but he was shot down.
And as I have said often, given a sane financial system, most of us would only need to work a fraction of what we do. We are driven around the treadmill by seeming psychopaths, whose thirst for power–whose inability to find inner satisfaction with life and their present human condition–drives them to an obsessive lust for money they don’t need and can’t hope to spend.
It is an odd thing looking at this world, looking at the gaps between what is possible and what is being expressed, between what sane people want, and what we are being given.