Over and over in Obama’s early years we heard “we have to do SOMETHING”. We have to pass the “stimulus”, we have to pass Obamacare, we have to do this or that or the other, because it is a CRISIS.
Self evidently, the use of the word crisis, and the drumming up of hysteria generally, is a tactic cynical power mongers use to get and keep power. Induce fear, and use it to do something with good “optics”, like “health care reform”. Then for good measure accuse anyone who objects of “fear mongering”.
What if doctors took as their motto “Above all else, do SOMETHING”. We can imagine conversations like “well, ma’am, I”m not sure what’s wrong, but I have these samples sitting around. Take them. It might do something. If it doesn’t work or makes things worse, I don’t want to know. Not my problem. I did something.”