
Hillary and Russia

In addition to granting some 20% of America’s uranium capacity to the Russians, in tandem with receiving $2.35 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation, and $500,000 for a single speech by Bill, there is this: 

“While serving as secretary of state, Clinton oversaw a program meant to “reset” relations with Moscow and improve ties. The program centered around the Russian city of Skolkovo near Moscow with the stated aim of “identifying areas of cooperation and pursuing joint projects and actions that strengthen strategic stability, international security, economic well-being, and the development of ties between the American and Russian people.” 

The program transformed Skolkovo into a technology hub, a Silicon Valley of sorts. Sensitive American technology was transferred to the Russians, substantially enhancing their military and cyber capabilities. The US Army and the FBI concluded that Russia had exploited the program for military applications. 

Of course, anyone with a scintilla of foresight could have anticipated such an unfortunate and dangerous outcome. In Putin’s Russia, everything has military or security dimensions. Indeed, in 2014, the FBI warned American technology companies doing business in Skolkovo that the Skolkovo project “may be a means for the Russian government to access our nation’s sensitive or classified research development facilities and dual-use technologies with military and commercial application.” 

Russia’s access to sensitive American technologies represents but half the problem. There is a far more sinister side to this story. Schweizer notes that Russian and American companies and individuals involved in the Skolkovo fiasco “had major financial ties to the Clintons.” He further notes that during the Russian reset period, those entities provided the Clintons with “tens of millions of dollars” in the form of “contributions to the Clinton Foundation, paid for speeches by Bill Clinton, or investments in small start-up companies with deep Clinton ties.”

So when Hillary complains about the national security implications of Russia hacking her 30,000 missing emails, she is managing to lie several times.  She is lying about what was in those emails, but she is also avoiding a discussion of what helped create that capacity in the first place.  It was likely HER and HER policies, policies based on graft.

The more I contemplate a detente with Russia, the more I like it.  Putin has ego, he has ambition: he and Trump should get along great.  And it would be a relationship not based on more or less open corruption, but one based on shared interests.

Hillary is a fucking crook. She is a lying, sick (morally and physically) bitch who has no right to be within a hundred miles of the Presidency.