That is the shortest summary I have come up with. Note it is “and”, not “but”. Doublethink needs to be in the foundational statement.
And it occurs to me from a nervous system perspective, in order to countenance patent logical contradictions you have to take the front cortex off-line. You retain the use of language, but an emotional disconnection from semantic content.
Rather, behavior is based upon the limbic system and brain stem exclusively. In effect, you become an obedient animal willing to do and be whatever is necessary.
That is what we see in Cuba, in North Korea, and in China, among the core ideologues. It is a formal system for dehumanizing people, to putting them in retrograde motion in the direction of reverse evolution or atavism.
A savage is merely an animal in a human’s body. It is someone incapable of reason and abstract planning, and self evidently tolerance is a principle originating in the social brain, the uniquely human part of our neuroanatomy. Leftism breeds savagery, formally.