
The open question

 To me, the root question is whether or not we still have honest men and women, in positions of power, who have moral courage.

As I have said–and I’m aware I’m repeating myself–I have been disappointed nearly weekly for the last 15 years or so.  

We KNOW that Tower 7 was brought down by explosives.  Not a peep.

Joe Biden is pretty obviously bought by a number of governments.  Nobody seems to care.

In the end, if the rule of law fails, and the rule of caprice and tyranny takes its place, the ultimate culprit will be our collective mediocrity.  Our best just may not be good enough, and that most Americans are complacent, naive, ignorant, and intellectually lazy is obvious beyond dispute.

This idea is just stuck in my throat.  I can’t process it.  We have come so far, come so close, only to fail now, when we really just needed one good, honest push.  In my more solipsistic moments it feels like the universe is mocking me.  Maybe there is a Devil, and this is his world, and that will never change.