
Ignorance, 2017

When I was growing up, ignorance was not knowing State Capitals, or who the President was, or how to solve a quadratic equation.

It occurs to me, though, that the Left–and its many fellow travelers on the right, giving a more contemporary twist on the idea of pinko (we can’t go to Purplite, can we? That would be awful)–has managed to define ignorance as disagreement with the dominant themes they are pushing. To think XY means we are dealing with a boy becomes, not stating the obviously scientifically true, but rather ignorance of the idea that gender is constructed.

To question global warming is to betray, not a skeptical, authentically scientific mindset, but ignorance. This, “knowledge” comes to equal conformity, and what used to pass for knowledge–that quaint artifact of hated whiteness called “science”–is equated not just with ignorance, but bigotry.

The whole thing is wholesale lunacy. It is a bag of cats.