This blog exists for people to steal my ideas, to use as they see fit.
Well, that is one purpose, in any event. I have said this from time to time, but it has likely been a year or two.
I make no claims on any content here. I renounce all copyright, all intellectual property claims, other than that I don’t ever want to see anyone claim my ideas as their own and sue me for it. The public record, in any event, is likely clear enough.
We all of us need to be using our brains and hearts to figure out the way forward. This is a collective project, a human project. I tend to feel alone, because it is natural for me, but of course many, many people share my passions, my fears, my hopes, and my work, broadly understood.
As far as people I interact with on a daily basis, I only know of one in my home town I have told about this blog, and I don’t know if she reads it regularly or not. I like to think I am anonymous here. I can’t sustain this thought too far, but it is still a congenial thought.
We can all do better. If I inspire or stimulate you in any way, then that is an accomplishment.