

What virtue would you universalize if you could? Love, I suppose, would be the best one. I don’t really understand it, though. It is an abstraction to me, as I feel it is to many people.

It would not be compassion, since compassion without wisdom easily becomes complicity in self indulgence and failure. Some people do need mercy, but some truly need a boot in the ass.

I think: this is the point I wanted to make. Until each of us has progressed VERY far down the road of wisdom, it is very difficult to know what people truly need.

Being “nice” is simply lazy, as I have said many times. It is good for social harmony, and do appreciate the many people I encounter every day who are nice, who are not assholes, even if they sometimes want to be.

I suppose we all project on the world, and I am no different. My own vote for the one universal virtue would be curiosity, because everything else can be built from it over time.