
Deep Relaxation

I think truly deep relaxation might be defined as “having forgotten fear”.

I got “attacked” by what I am calling a “demon” again last night.  As always seems to happen, it had a different energetic quality than the others.  This one felt like a chicken, with me as the meal worm.  It pecked at me for a long time.  It was a long time, because I no longer feel the need to escape. I  won’t say I wasn’t scared, but it is something I am trying to figure out, and I know by now they can’t–or in any event have not, yet–hurt me.

But it does seem to me that as you go down the rabbit hole of your deepest fears, both as an individual and as a member of a species with a collective unconscious, many of them will get magnified.  As you focus, what you had been able to keep in the periphery inserts itself into the middle, and looms large.  This is all to the good, even if it is also unpleasant to some extent (but also interesting).

And obviously some of us just have a lot more to process than others.

My work continues.  That is a useful definition of deep relaxation though, in my opinion.