Trump needs these folks to understand that people who threaten them will be arrested and tried and in most cases convicted in Federal Courts. He needs people tracking social media and arresting people trying to organize violence. At a minimum they need visits from Federal agents.
Everywhere across the country Americans are being exposed to actual and threatened violence. We are not that sort of nation, or we never have been.
I don’t know if William Barr is corrupt, cowardly, or incompetent, but he has been a huge disappointment thus far.
All of our problems can be fixed. Human history need not end in tyranny, deprivation and misery. But just as we needed courageous people to found our Republic, we need courageous people to hold their spot in the line, to do what the person to the left and right of them needs, to care as much about principle and the future as they do their present needy, perhaps malnourished selves.
No one who is sane ever feels perfectly brave. This is a fiction, told by and to people who are afraid. What matters is doing the job, as faithfully and as wisely as possible, despite everything, despite feelings, and despite objective and social dangers.