

No superior person, and no superior Power needs to be acknowledged as such.  Being is its own reward, and the attention and love of others is a poor substitute for it.  Seeing this is one aspect of being superior.

Worship exists for the worshiper, to help them achieve the humility which alone enables the genuinely new to enter.  Worship says openly there is something better, that there exists a path–perhaps a hidden, seldom trodden path–but a path towards so much more.  And “more” can expand indefinitely, can it not?  You can spend days and years traveling a narrow, dangerous, difficult path, only to one day find it opens onto a completely new world.  Respect for what comes next, though, for the path, is what enables this to happen.  This is worship.

God does not need slaves.  God does not want slaves.  Only humans want that, and then only inferior humans.