Voter fraud is such a large crime, that I really think that the legal standard should be that if it can be shown to have been coordinated and organized, that the election should automatically be awarded to the person it was used against.
As I have said before, if the count is off by 1 it could be off by 100,000. We don’t know what we don’t know, and we have few good safeguards to validate votes after they are cast. In my view, any consistent effort to violate the rules should be prima facie evidence of fraud. If observers are not allowed, for a long period of time, consistently, and in multiple places, that easily meets that standard.
So too does ANY period of access to voting machines by people with the tools to access votes, if there are any anomalies at all, which there plainly were.
If you look at Venezuela–which in the not too distant past was a prosperous and happy country–the fact is that the victors make and enforce the rules. The victors appoint the judges, or the victors rig the system to make sure the judges they want win their elections. They control the police. They make the laws.
There are NO CHECKS possible on people who control the system through fraud, no one to investigate them, no one to prosecute them, and in our present era, few even to criticize them. The organs of the State can easily be mobilized to persecute all remaining truth tellers. Opposition, in our modern world, can easily be deleted from the internet. In two years Joe Biden could literally be arresting people on the streets in broad daylight for political “crimes” and no media report would ever show up, and anyone who saw it would first be told they were crazy and then threatened.
And over and above everything else, Joe Biden plans to legalize 11 million people who in a great many cases CAME here for free stuff, and who can be expected to continue to vote for it, making even fair elections something detrimental to the cause of Constitutionalists.
This Supreme Court can save this nation, and it can allow it to fall into anarchy and misery.