
Further thought

As I ponder this film, I realize that Godard was satirizing a certain type.  He did call him “the fool”, and I think the ending makes his intent clear.  And his name was Ferdinand.  It truly is a funny movie, and  whimsical in very good ways.  I actually think I may watch it again.  It’s not really a noir.  I’m not sure it’s classifiable other than as extremely French.  I honestly can’t think of anything else it reminds me of strongly.

There are a lot of laugh out loud moments, which are memorable in the sort of way Monty Python or SNL skits were at their best, in that they become funnier with time. It is the oddest juxtaposition of moments I can remember, which include not least the musical and dance numbers.

I actually can’t remember ever laughing at a French movie other than Monseiur (?) Hulot.