
Loaded questions

The way the Democrats want to define the school shooting narrative is an updated version of the old “Have you stopped beating your wife yet?”

Specifically: “How many children have to die before you realize your policies are wrong?”

To answer this question in any way is to accede to it, and to LOSE to it. And I for one am tired of losing.

We need to ask Democrats to define, in detail, their own policy proposals and, critically, WHY THEY THINK THEY WILL HELP.

We have to “do something” they say.  Guns are bad, they say.  This is an emotionally rooted argument.  It depends upon the juvenile, even childish notion, that large problems always have:  1) easy fixes; that 2), are just a matter of passing a law.

But in every case many laws are broken many times before the shooting.  Many people KNEW this kid in Texas was trouble.  The girl he shot was telling her parents she feared for her life.  Is it really asking too much for the fucking school and fucking cops to visit his house, speak with whatever parental substitutes he might have, and find out if he has access to guns, and if so, to remove said access?

Never let other people define the narrative.  If you answer within someone else’s paradigm you lose.  And make no mistake: the hard core Leftists who have captured the Democrat party only think in Zero Sum terms.  Their win is always a loss for most of us, including most of the idiots who keep voting for them.

I have plenty of vitriol for Republicans too, but it is at least POSSIBLE to be an honest Republican.  It is not possible any more to be an honest Democrat, in my view, not if you toe the national line the Party leaders are pushing.