In contrast would be a natural old growth forest.
These are two types of order. Both are needed, perhaps, to some extent, but I feel wisdom inheres in the latter.
Socialism, in theory (certainly not practice), is the process of turning the world into an orchard, where everything is regular, regulated, and reliable. It is a safety zone, with no mistakes, and nothing and no one lost or left out of the system.
I read Elon Musk has come out of the closet as an orchard farmer. I thought he was more interesting than that, but then I’ve long thought the rumors of his profound intelligence were exaggerated.
Disorder, so called, might be seen as the night. It is what we don’t know. We are given, here on Earth, night and day. Is this really such an unreasonable arrangement, that we have found, and some are seeking to make global and “permanent”, ways to shine an artificial light all the time, such that everything which might have been found in the shadows disappears?
Is it to be neon and rows in our future? Time will tell. I certainly hope not. Mystery is beautiful, and some deep realities can only be reached through it.
Put another way: is humanity to take the path of naive stupidity, or return to what was once known, and expand it and incorporate it within our science and our culture?