It can be stipulated as an absolute principle that the sorts of people who seek power are the sorts of people who seek power. You are always on safe logical ground with tautologies.
But if we consider that people who seek one unit of power tend nearly always to seek 2 units of power, and then 4–Acton’s axiom rephrased–then a global government is like offering crack to a hard core addict. We need to keep the crack away from him or her. We need to keep power distributed, confined. We need firewalls. We need blocks, limitations.
The argument for the sundry fascisms is that it is “necessary” to “get things done”. This is the whole role of the manufactured “crisis” of global warming. They can’t think of anything else, at least at the moment.
What Obama was in the process of doing was ceding power quietly, without fanfare, but in reality. Hillary would have continued this. Importing ignorant mobs was part of it. That would have secured her Party’s power, and enabled the rest. If the power hungry, aka the power elite, can conquer America, then they win. They have nearly taken Europe already.