

First off, Communism, Fascism, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism should be used as de facto synonyms in our present environment.  Yes, they have different shades of meaning, but the de facto discussion is if we should continue our Liberal project in the industrialized, democratic nations, or reverse it and return to ruling elites not constrained by any laws, whether juridical or moral.  Do we believe in human rights as a PRINCIPLE, or don’t we?  Simple question, but there are two broad and conflicting answers in the present social and political conflict, a fact which is complicated by the pervasive tendency of the authoritarians to mask their work in lies.

Be all that as it may, I wonder if we might stipulate that Communism is the result of disordered and insecure/avoidant Attachment Styles.  Better parenting supports freedom.  Bad parenting supports fascism.  If you want to know why so many hippies are breeding crazy children, we could of course blame excessive permissiveness, which is likely a part, but in my experience hippies in general are emotionally highly disorganized, highly addictive, and frequently unreliable and emotionally unavailable.  This creates life long effects in children, too.  I have heard plenty of hippy horror stories.  You probably have too.

I do think, other than the complete solution I have proposed, it would be useful to figure out some way for new mothers to stay home longer with their babies. Maybe tax credits to corporations who support it.  Maybe tax credits to grandmothers who are able to help.  Maybe a massive tax credit for the first year a woman stays home.

And for single mothers, it is likely a good investment to support group homes.  With a lot of these kids, we wind up paying later for their prison terms, not to mention the social damage they cause on the way to getting locked up.  It’s not a question of whether we will spend money on them, but how much, and to what purpose.