When you are unhappy, the story of a rescuer is compelling. Communism posits that the “rescuer” is the People, as represented–necessarily–by the intellectuals for whom this myth has the most appeal. Most of these intellectuals are small, grubby, gloomy, unwanted human beings. But as Communists, they partake of the glory of Kingship, nobility, and all that is good in the world. This is why this whole thing has a comic book feel, and always has. It does not consist in the sober plans of competent people, but the juvenile fantasies of people too ignorant to even realize they are ignorant.
It is one of the horrors of history that such people have in many cases, in many nations, gained true power, and exercised it brutally. They usually find a true sadist to be their leader, but even as the bodies pile high in the streets, they continue to believe that the are contributing to justice, truth, and a righting of wrongs.