
The Belly of the Beast

I have decided to go back to school and get a degree in Neuroscience.  This is where the cutting edge work on consciousness, on who we are, is being done.  One day, I will speak that language fluently.

And I will note there are people in that field who are very receptive to the notion that our brains are, in effect, radios, which are playing a portion of the larger frequency which is who we really are.  William James argued this over 100 years ago, arguing for what he called, if memory serves, a Transmissive capacity.

Eben Alexander is one example.

And I will emphasize for the umpteenth time that we don’t really know what “Reality” is.  Our best science seems to say that consciousness exists, but matter does not.  This is not a hippy dippy misrepresentation of the actual science.  This is the science.  This is John von Neumann–who wrote what was and perhaps still is the foundational text on Quantum Physics–concluding that only observation collapses a probability wave.

Your hand is not real without you.  Your brain is not real without a thought.  Anyone who reads about all this cannot but conclude that we are children, who have been playing in the sandbox, but that there is a LOT that we still need to learn; or perhaps more accurately, relearn, and integrate into our particular modality of thought, which we call scientific.

Miracles remain possible.  And these miracles can be pursued soberly, patiently, and successfully, but only when the intention is set, and the path begun.