
White Supremacy

This phrase gets used a lot.  It is used, self evidently, propagandistically, in order to equate David Duke with anyone who points out that Alexander Fleming was a white man, and that his discovery was made within a cultural context created by white people, and which at that time was somewhat uniquely white.  Which is something white people can take pride in.  If I take pride in my culture, I do not thereby denigrate anyone else’s.

But given how pervasive the discoveries and inventions of white people are, rejecting us is tantamount to rejecting modernity as a whole, which includes political liberalism, the use of technology to cure disease and provide food, and the scientific method itself.

And it is an odd fact, which I think I have pointed to from time to time, that the very people who want to criticize White Supremacy usually do so from the position of embracing OTHER white men, like Karl Marx, or Lenin, or Rousseau, or any of the sundry idiots who did their part to rationalize this imbecility over the past century or so.

Chinese Communism?  It’s based on the ideas of a white man, as implemented by a Chinese man.

It is true many Americans speak and think incoherently.  We cannot expect clear language out of them. 

But we can and should demand clear language from educated people, and using the term White Supremacist to describe anyone who is proud of America’s Liberal, tolerant, and evolutionary heritage is bombastic, wrong, and counterproductive. It breeds anger where none need exist, and this anger makes useful conversation less likely.  Useful conversation, in turn, is how real problems get fixed.

And to be sure, most of the people using this phrase don’t WANT dialogue, since demonizing SOMEONE–roll the dice, pick a card, but it will be white something–is part and parcel of their process.  This process, in turn, is a bastardization of everything good that should be present in a university, an institution of higher as in elevation not the quantity of drugs education.

I continue to believe that for most of the “intellectuals”–or as I like to term them, Thought Aesthetes–the true problem is what they are going to do with their lives.  They want less Them and more Me, but they have to pretend to care about Them in order to create a circle–a fatuous, disingenous circle, to be clear–back to them.

They want to be able to say “I am the sort of person who CARES about X, Y or Z”.  The content does not matter, because they never actually engage with X, Y, or Z.  What they engage with is how they SPEAK and THINK and FEEL about X, Y or Z.

It is solipsistic.  This is why, in 50 years of Leftist CARING about black Americans, something close to zero progress has happened.  The ghettos are still there.  The pessimism and fatalistic hopelessness is growing, seemingly.  No solid, honest leaders have emerged who have been embraced by poor blacks.   Nothing has been done, and by and large, no honest effort has been made to even TRY.  It’s all talk, quite literally.  Talking is the method.   Controlling language is the only outcome they care about.

I myself am half sane, half insane.  The sane part enables me to speak clearly.  The insane part enables me to see clearly how large segments of this mental institution we call Public Space are infested by little green men, magic, and princes on great horses who will always save the day at the last moment.

Really, how should I feel, seeing CLEARLY that most Academics in the Humanities–the people who teach philosophy, history, political science, English, anthropology, etc.–are fucking nuts?

These, by and large, are white people too.  We solve the problems, but we also create them.  That part of white habitual activity I too would be quite willing to reject.