
Someone else rationalizing/explaining my feelings

I just feel like the slate is cleared.  The fog is gone.  All the drama and lead up and creepy music just disappeared, a curtain was opened, and the sun is shining in.

Trump’s hands, in my view, are free, freer than they have been since he took office.  He can with justice tell Mueller to shit or get off the pot.  He’s had his fun.  He’s had his chance.  This is not the Inquisition.  He doesn’t get to turn the rack on anyone who opposes him indefnitely.

And to the point, he has TRIED, nonetheless.  He’s put the screws to everyone he can find a reason to torment, imprison, and grill.

And, to state the BLAZINGLY obvious, the 3 story bonfire surrounded by parading elephants, 21 gun salutes, and several thousand naked chorus girls, NOTHING MUELLER HAS PROSECUTED HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE ELECTION.

My own feeling is that both Clinton and Obama were bought by the Chinese.  They funneled them tons of highly classified technology, more or less allowed leaks, and accepted help in many forms from them in their elections.

My own feeling is that the Russia bullshit serves many purposes, but one of them is distraction from the nation we really should be paying attention to.  Not worrying about, I don’t think, but have on our radar.  The Chinese government is not popular.  Their economy is large, but unstable, and based on the continuing immiseration of the rank and file People the People’s Republic was nominally founded to help.

Hell, it may be China that wants us to wage war with Russia.  That would make sense from a number of perspectives.

And it needs to be pointed out, as Alex Jones has been doing, that it is very reasonable to feel that the Chinese government has formed close relationships with many tech firms–as seen, for example, in both Google and Apple making their authoritarian system easier to run, and dissidents easier to arrest, imprison, torture, exile to concentration camps and/or kill, as they see fit.  There is nothing the least bit Liberal, in any use of the word, cozying up to tyrants and their political mafia, even if it is for the profit motive.  It is sickening, actually, and likely something close to, and crossing over into, functional sociopathy.