Grammar is not my thing, but I’m pretty sure that was a run-on sentence.
Prosecute Hillary. We know the House will be on the attack relentlessly. If Trump plays this right, the attacks on him will backfire, and the attacks he makes on the Deep State will resonate with many.
Trump may be impeached, for nothing, but if he cannot be convicted in the Senate, and with a 3 seat pickup that is inconceivable, absent major and inexcusable defections, then it doesn’t matter in the slightest. Again, it may only serve to help him, by pointing out how desperately partisan the Democrats are.
All in all, I agree with Dennis Miller’s summation that “Paul Ryan was an ostensible friend who could only make Trump look bad, and Nancy Pelosi is an enemy who can only make Trump look good.”
And what is interesting about this, is I can state it openly. All of us can. We can say the strategy out loud. Trump can tweet it. Because these lunatics cannot but do what they do. That is why they serve the long term cause of sanity best by being given a little bit of power.