
A national election commission

Trump needs to appoint a national election commission which makes clear recommendations which the Democrats can then reject.

Trump also needs to create a standing voter fraud task force in the DoJ which operates continually, and which eventually becomes a force to be feared by the Democrats, in their continual efforts to get by cheating what they can’t get through ideas, integrity, and ability to do good things for their constituents.

And I think things have progressed far enough that he can safely ignore what the media says.  Most future battles will be fought in courts.  The people who listen to Bill Maher are stupid.  They cannot be made intelligent, now.  It’s the people in the middle, the people who might be MAD that the Democrats stole their election from them, who matter.

The forces of truth and honesty remain the majority in this country.  Democrats cannot any longer win honest elections, not in aggregate.  This is an important development.

And I continue to wonder if Obama stole the election in 2012 from Romney.