DEMOCRATS SPEND NO THOUGHT AT ALL NOW ON HOW TO IMPROVE THE LIVES OF PEOPLE BORN HERE. Yes, self evidently, they mouth pieties about how they “care”, and how they are the “protectors of the middle class”, all while they pursue policies which hurt the poor and working classes the most.
They are rooting more for the well being of people born in other nations who do not speak English, and who came here illegally, than they are the blacks, the poor Latinos, and others who were born here, and who should be their first priority.
Republicans are the ONLY ones who are even trying to pursue policies which help everyone. They are the only ones left who are even trying to help actual Americans achieve better lives.
This is madness, mass madness. It is the result of people never being educated in critical thinking, and learning instead to trust the authority of a media which is plainly corrupt, plainly in cahoots, plainly fascistic in temperament and behavior.
Yes, it really is that bad. There is no principle involved but power. It is not an honest difference of opinion, based on a shared, pro-American sympathy: it is a difference in whether or not America has the right to be free and prosperous, or whether our “crimes” deserve a punishment to be dished out by Democrats leaders, using foot soldiers they imported from other lands.