I may or may not mentioned this, but I’ve been listening to a lecture series on particle physics. I am a sponge: I soak in and incorporate whatever I am around. Being around this guy, I find myself seeking math for supersymetries and to reconcile the Weak and Electrimagnetic forces.
The thing with emotions though is that describing their interrelations more accurately helps in many ways. It helps us decide what to do, and to be able to understand more deeply just what it is we are feeling.
So much of life is longing. We say “if only”, but when we get If Only—and of course most of us do, sooner or later, in many ways—and the itch is barely scratched.
If we apply my math here though, we see that the solution to longing is a robust and passionate engagement with everything that IS , to the point of fascination and wonder.
Wonder, if I might channel my inner fool, is wonderful.