

I had an emotional impact hit me last night that was worse than anything I’ve weathered yet.  It was like losing the three people I loved most in  the world in an instant without warning.

And it didn’t kill me.  I woke up sane.  I am starting to have faith in my recuperative abilities, and in my sturdiness.  This thing will take faith, certainly.

Then I had a set of dreams where I was trying to convince myself I played pingpong with a friend and two Playboy playmates while I was in high school.  It was a vaguely happy dream, even if everyone was stoned, as was the case at most of the parties I went to in high school.  My unconscious seems to be trying to construct happy memories.  I applaud this effort.

My past is slowly presenting itself to me in full color.  I wasn’t there, so to process it it needs to come to me.