
Random thought

In most left wing areas–in areas populated by people who in most cases lie by calling themselves “liberal”–there are a lot of ethnic restaurants.  Such people pride themselves on their cosmopolitanism.  There are Chinese, Korean, Thai, Ethiopian, Turkish, Greek, Japanese, Indian, Lebanese, Persian, etc. restaurants.

Here is my thought: all of those countries are vastly more conservative, socially, than most conservative Americans.  This would apply even to Greeks, their fondness for Communist rhetoric, and long term flirtation with it, notwithstanding.

Leftists love themselves for their fascination with the Other, but their fascination is really a fascination with themselves, striking a pose which resembles but never approaches an ACTUAL engagement with the Other. It’s all narcissism.  It’s all nonsense.

My dislike for fat, slow, ignorant people notwithstanding, I’ve decided to eat at Cracker Barrel more often. Those people are also honest, and it cannot be said of most of them that they are trying to break our country apart, or willingly help our enemies–and those of freedom and decency generally–tear it down.

And I would add to that that I really think even the Muslims are just a tool in all this.  They have a role to play in tearing us apart, in weakening our institutions, in helping create divisions.  But in the end they, too, will be rolled into the general demise of everything good.  Their faith in Allah will do them no good, and it will not be protected.

Think about it: the Left is getting ready to roll out Pedosexuality, as the P in LGBTQP.  I’ve already seen it.  Most of these people will take a deep gulp, then DO IT.  They will accept it. 

Why would people trained to such an extraordinary degree not be perfectly willing to be defending the Muslims one minute, then denouncing them as retrogressive misogynists and homophobes (which they are) the next?  Once you train people to dance on strings, you can bounce them one way, then the other, and few of them will even realize you are doing it.  After all, part of the training is convincing them they are the smart ones, and thinking for themselves.

Wake up.  Whoever you are, wherever you are, wake the fuck up.