
The Farce of AOC (and all Socialists, who are assholes in sheep’s clothing)

AOC represents the 14th New York Congressional District.

The 14th District includes parts of the Bronx and Queens. 
In the Bronx:

From 2015 Census data, the median income for a household was (in 2015 dollars) $34,299. Per capita income in past 12 months (in 2015 dollars): $18,456 with persons in poverty at 30.3%. Per the 2016 Census data, the median income for a household was $35,302. Per capita income was cited at $18,896.

Queens has a poverty rate of 13.7%.

These are the districts which are her JOB.  Where is her concern for her own people, for the people who elected her?  They may or may not give a shit about people who sneak over our border in the middle of the night, but I think all the poor in her district would like better jobs.

Do you think she cares?  Of course not.  When she starts visiting the housing projects and desolate neighborhoods in her own district, and those next to it, like the South Bronx, then she might have the sliver of credibility which is presently missing entirely. 

She is a grandstanding narcissist, with horrible ideas, no sense of personal responsibility, no sense of loyalty, and in the end nothing which could even remotely be called a sense of decency.  She decided she deserved a raise six months into a piss poor performance.  She will be “one of them” momentarily, assuming she is not already.  Congress converts the weak, and she is clearly weak.

It’s all a bad play, performed for greedy self interested imbeciles, and for those who find in bad politics the moral foundation they lack in their own actual lives.