Everything in its own time.
Came to me in a dream.
I am kind of a Numerology skeptic, but there are three infinity signs there, are there not? And our numbers all have morphologies, do they not?
The other day I saw someone had written, in response to the “69” on sees often in port-a-johns, 22. Took me a second. That was a new one.
In Kum Nye, 3 and 9 are the numbers. You are enjoined to do something either 3 or 9 times. 108 seems to be a special number too.
I know in Japanese 4 is bad, since either the word for it or the character for it resembles their word for death.
I was pondering all this, and it feels to me that EVEN IF numbers mean something, we should probably all welcome a steady diet of variety. In the same sense that “bad” events are often hidden blessings–as odious and indefensible as these lockdowns have been, they have been good for me personally–so too open blessings are often hidden curses. Lottery winners, I think, often find themselves hating their families.
So we need, and to be sure, get, all the numbers. I still find it interesting watching them, and do still tend to view random occurrences of lots of 3’s and 9’s as good luck. It is likely pointless, but all of us have our little rituals which season life.