And I thought: loneliness does not scare me. Bring it on. It is an important part of who I am, and I want to be who I am fully.
And then it occurred to me that healing has two parts. One is allowing negative emotions to come to conscious awareness, so that I know what I am feeling, so that my unconscious knows it can communicate my emotional needs to me, but the other is building positive energies. You cannot find the cessation of pain within pain. This is obvious, but I am only now realizing it.
So I came up with three questions I will look at every day, which I posted on my door, my gateway to the world.
1) How can I make today an adventure and a celebration?
2) How can I inspire good feelings in myself?
3) How can I make everything I do a massage of healing and growth?
If I do say so myself, these are good questions. Much of our experience during the days and nights of our lives has to do with the questions we don’t even know we are asking. I think most of the time the main questions are “is this safe?” and “Am I fitting in with everybody?”
With respect to massage, that is the outer meaning of mNye in Kum Nye, but what I am realizing is that in a deeper sense it is something like pleasurable motion, pleasurable contact with the world, something which releases and allows and expands and facilitates motion.