
Farr’s Law

Coming up some time in February or certainly March we will be at two years for this fucking COVID nonsense.  Have you at any point seen Farr’s Law referenced, other than here?  I haven’t.  Anywhere.  Not once.  The Great Barrington people didn’t talk about it, or about Vitamin D supplementation.

We live in a large world, don’t we?  One filled with hundreds of thousands of people educated far past my level, and no small number of whom must, statistically, have higher IQ’s than me?  Where is the intelligence?  Where the policy motivated by goodwill?  Sweden, nearly alone, seems to have tried to do the right thing.  Thank God for their providing a Control  Group telling us that SCIENTIFICALLY masks don’t work, and that Herd Immunity is provided by allowing the disease to circulate, not by slowing it.  Many nations  with equal or higher vaccination rates are seeing deaths spike again.  They are not.

But Farr’s Law is the simplest, most obvious map to and END of all this.  It always was.  It always will have been.  It shows how pandemics WORK.  Why is no one talking about it?

What is clearly going on is many media talking heads are being told what to say.  They don’t care what it is.  They are paid well, most of them love seeing themselves on TV, and love the attention, and most of them are philosophically vacuous and likely mildly depressed workaholics.

So lies go forth across the land.  This is the first thrust.  And the INTENT and no small extent the reality of all this, is that speakers of truth, or even people who value the truth and want to hear all views, find themselves on the defensive from the outset.  Feeling, emotionally, under attack, changes what you say and how you say it.  You don’t say things you may have said, that are true, because you limit yourself to the most defensible, smallest possible claims.  Focused Protection is one obvious example, which left off of the table Ivermectin–which clearly helps a lot when given with zinc and other synergists–Vitamin D supplementation, and the patent risks of masks.

Masks, too, should come with disclaimers, should they not?  Whenever someone says “exercise”, there is always a disclaimer that says “consult with your doctor first”.  Do you not think masks have knowable side effects, some of them serious, which would be a part of any Informed Consent?  As I say, why would they NOT raise blood pressure over time?  Nearly any stressor will do that from stress alone, and these things make it harder to breathe.

And nobody likes having a hard time breathing.  We are wired that way.  We are wired to want to stay alive.

So masks should come with disclaimers, JUST LIKE THE JABS.  As I keep saying, if Claritin comes with two paragraphs of disclaimers why wouldn’t these experimental “vaccines” which skipped two years of trials?  You can’t just declare something PERFECTLY safe and have it BE safe.  No, all you can do is issue what you know to be a lie–without having the data to know how big a lie it is–then suppress all data which contradicts that lie.  That is CLEARLY what is happening.

And I see people EXERCISING with masks.  Should that not come with added disclaimers?  I don’t see how that could not create an added stress on the heart.  You are creating an oxygen debt and decreasing your bodies ability to meet it, which causes all systems to work unnecessarily hard.  If you do this regularly for a long period of time–YEARS is what we are talking about–and you could easily get professional athletes having mask induced heart disease and “Unexpected Cardiac Events”, or whatever they call them.

I think all these soccer players and tennis players and others are suffering from BOTH the effects of the blood clots and heart inflammation caused by the jabs, and from the effects of long term mask wearing.  Many of them have likely been forced to practice with masks on.

I have been calling this madness for coming up on two years.  Mass Formation Psychosis is a good synonym.  Whatever it is, our System has failed us badly.  All the good people who SHOULD be speaking up are, in the main, defaulting to cowardice.  Not all of them, thankfully.  Somebody leaded the DARPA emails to Project Veritas, and you KNOW an investigation is going on in the Marine Corps.  Think about that: we live in a world where the System is compelled to punish people speaking unwanted truths when our GOVERMENT, the one the Marines exist to protect–is LYING TO US and destroying fundamental freedoms.

I would think anyone who swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution has a positive moral duty to oppose the vitiation of the Constitution being inflicted on all of us through deceit and open power grabs.


The Universal Vaccine

Fauci–as in a Faucian Bargain–is on record as wanting a “universal vaccine”.  The world will be better, he told professional spenders of our money, if you let me jab everyone continually.

This is more or less literally true.

The comment I would make is that the FIRST line of defense, the first way diseases are defeated, and in point of fact the system “vaccines” use–whether real vaccines, or this bullshit mRNA stuff–and what is used by your body in response to real diseases, is our own immune system.

A bug gets in.  Your system says FUCK YOU.  The bug fails to replicate.  The bug dies.  Sad for the bug, but good for you.  And there are countless trillions of these bugs.  They get by.  They have no suitcases, and leave no remorseful lovers.

A universal vaccine is meant to be perennial.  You have to take it over and over and over.  It is meant to be the means by which the System, the medical system, provides you with “health”.

Did you not have health before?  Well, can you not have health without health insurance?   Of course,  OF COURSE.

But it FEELS to me like these universal vaccines are, in the health realm, more than a bit like “Universal Basic Income” in the economic realm.

People who mean you and me and the average idiot out there no good, want to make renewing your “health” a ritual part of your year.

And who are these people?  Oi.  I wrestle with that daily.  If you have any ideas, maybe my web host will allow you to comment without deleting it.  I’m honestly not sure.


Tad more serious

I remember reading about Winston Churchill, who would be drinking all night, listening to erudite notions on, say–and this is a specific historical example–the Gold Standard, and maintain his awareness and wit through it all.

I may do that, but probably not.

But I do remember a comment/question I wanted to offer the world:


Simple question.  If you are a 22 year old working at a McDonald’s 40 hours a week and wearing a mask those 40 hours, what effect does that have on your blood pressure?

What effect does it have on your average oxygen saturation?  Sure, you can test someone on their first day, and find one result.  What do you get when that person has worn a mask for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for six months?  Is that not a reasonable question?  A SCIENTIFIC question?  Something worth asking, since we are asking so many young people, particularly, to restrict their oxygen flow?

And as a general comment, I will note something: you can breathe better without a mask than with a mask.  Period.  Full stop.  You are a fucking idiot or douchebag if this is not obvious to you.

Do you get ENOUGH oxygen through the mask?  No, I do not think so but those who claim you do have SOME basis for claiming it.  Enough, but clearly not as much as the maskless world would have gifted and granted you.

But to summarize, is it not reasonable to suppose blood pressure rates jumped 5-10-15 points or more, on both sides, on average, with all this “YOU CAN’T GO OUT AND YOU MUST WEAR A MASK AND THIS THAT, AND NIGHTSTICKS AND FUCK YOU CITIZEN ZERO AND NOTHING”.

Yes.  I think even the relatively young suffered, and that even THEIR blood pressure rates went up, as well as levels of Cortisol.

Oh, I float in this world.  I don’t know where all this is going.  I am roughly equidistant between despair and hope, and if despair ever seems to win, I will carry on, and if hope seems to win, don’t despair: I will still be cynical.

I feel love I cannot channel sometimes.  I feel many emotions I keep to myself.

And in all honesty I hope you do too.  I am in some respect waging a one man war against dullness.  Don’t disappoint me, please.  Do or feel something interesting.


A drunkish poem

OK.  My alcohol tolerance is stupid.  Truly stupid.  Thus, I can achieve some distance on what I wrote here, and keep my spelling up to my normal standards.

But I share this as something spontaneous, likely useless, utterly illogical, and most likely more than a little self indulgent.

Are you really so different?  If so, I want to know you.  I have questions.

For better or worse, this “literary output” made me laugh.  Laughing is a concrete and positive outcome most of the time, isn’t it?



Of course you are.  Adolph Hitler is loveable.

Wolf spiders are loveable, and so are tarantulas.

Paper cuts are loveable and so is the dark of December.


Of course you are.  Broken promises are loveable, and betrayed dreams.   Squirrels without tails are loveable, and so are small dogs that bark much too much.

Diarrhea is loveable, particularly when it was hot peppers that did it, and so too are sequels that are terrible.

I’m not loveable.

Love?  Do you think I felt love?  No, I like to wear a fancy fur coat that says I AM LOVEABLE, and I would like you to try it on.  No really.  It fits us both, doesn’t it?

Hangovers are not really loveable, are they?  Puking, wheezing, dizzying, getting to the thing, not feeling good.

But hangovers are loveable.  That is my position.

People who lie are lovable, and people who ask too much, and people who ask too little.

Yes, if the world is not quite loveable, I still have a choice, don’t I?

And if I am not quite loveable–mutatis mutandi and all that–then my doppelganger is.  Le Moi est mort.  Vive le MOI!!!

Oh, if my drunken laughter is not loveable, then my drunken typing must be.

QED.  I rest.



I was reading about Mandaeanism last night, after watching a Freddie Silva presentation on the Knights Templar.  He claimed they practiced a ritual like that described by Joan Grant in “The Winged Pharaoh”, as a sort of 3 day induced out of body experience, or NDE.  Could be.  Spiritually, that sort of thing, if any sort of control could be brought over it, would be extraordinarily useful.  It would be like a psychedelic drug experience, but better.  Much better.

Mandaeans believe in a dichotomy of light and darkness.  They believe that they predate Manicheanism, and perhaps strongly influenced it.  That is my recollection from some superficial reading last night.

Today, I would like to propose that that particular opposition might, perhaps, be better described as the force of expansion–light–being opposed to the force of contraction–which manifests to us as darkness, as lost potential.

In terms of what we think we understand about the universe, though, there is no darkness anywhere.  The universe is filled with latent energy, absolutely thick in all places.  As I have mentioned often, Richard Feynman, in the explanatory style for which he was justly famous, once said that one empty square meter of space–one chosen, say, about a light month outside our own solar system–contains enough energy to boil every ocean on Earth.  No  mind can possibly begin to imagine that, and that is mainstream physics.  That is the math for the Quantum Vacuum/Zero Point Field.

Could absolute darkness exist in such a universe?  I don’t think so.  Perhaps in a black hole?  I won’t speculate further.

But the Knights Templar seem to have embodied in their symbol of two knights on one horse the balancing of light and dark, of good and evil, of expansion and contraction.

And as the Tao Te Ching wrote long ago, there is a balance between masculine and feminine.  This difference is a source of energy and power.  It is a source of creativity and forward motion.  Small wonder that anyone wanting to control the world would want to dilute it and destroy it if possible.

And to be clear, I am very open to the idea of a sacred Femininity.  I think that not only are most men scared of women, but many women are too.  They know who they are and what they are capable of, but they don’t know who they are, and what they are capable of.  Yes, that felt right.  We can ponder what the hell I just said together.  The women will get it first, most likely.

But here is the one I want to introduce today, since I dreamed about it last night: the child and the adult.

We say “childish” as an insult.  And it is and should be.  A childish person is one who is selfish, peevish, irresponsible, moody and generally hard to get along with and impossible to depend on.  They are self indulgent and selfish.

But within the narcissism of children–and psychodynamically that is I think the correct word–there is also enthusiasm, a sense of wonder and engagement, a root sense of curiosity and play and fun and SPONTANEITY.

We need this energy, just as we need the ability to make plans, to meet commitments, and to pay bills.

Here is the dream I had: the police were looking for me, and I was hiding behind a bunch of meditation cushions like a little child, hoping they wouldn’t find me.  They found me.  But it was not unpleasant.  Nothing bad happened.  I was not arrested.  They found me, then sent me on my way.

The police, to me, represent adult authority.  As Law Enforcement Officers, they are literally the physical embodiment in some ways of the rules of society.  They are the violence visited on those who flout the rules of our social order.  They are not joking and they are not playing.

For me, I continue to have some childish ways about me.  They are not severe.  I am not flaky in general, and in fact have accomplished many hard tasks and won the trust of a lot of people.  But they are there.  I have avoidance in me.  Petulance sometimes.  Whininess.  Also spontaneity and good humor.  The good and the bad.

And I will comment that at a deep psychological level attacking the police IN PRINCIPLE, and attacking THE LAW in principle, amounts to a denigration of, and subversion of, healthy adulthood.  It is a prima facie endorsement of the bad aspects of childishness and churlishness.  It is the sort of move aspiring tyrants would make in on-going efforts to infantilize and disempower a target population.

Returning to the dream, though, the being found and being let go was a sort of union for me of the opposites, or complementarities, in what might be a better word.  It represents, I think, growth.

Lately I have been riding this edge pretty well.  Surfing my misery to enlightenment and growth.  I go to sleep, and shake.  I can’t stop it.  I feel this ambient anxiety in me, in the pit of my stomach, and I can’t make it go away.  It is going to have its way with me for the first hour or two of sleep.  It can’t be avoided.

But then I get some message in the early morning, almost every day.  Something interesting and useful.  Sleep, and dreaming, is probably my most important spiritual practice right now.

And if you think about it, dreaming itself is a lot like a psychedelic experience, or so I suppose, never having done psychedelics.  It’s a fountain of knowledge you can turn on with attention.



Copied without comment:

According to Shaktisamgama Tantra, the spouse of Mahakali is extremely frightening. Mahakala has four arms, three eyes and is of the brilliance of 10 million black fires of dissolution, dwells in the midst of eight cremation grounds. He is adorned with eight skulls, seated on five corpses, holds a trident, a drum, a sword and a scythe in his hands. He is adorned with ashes from the cremation ground and surrounded by numbers of loudly shrieking vultures and jackals. At his side is his consort symbolized as Kālī. Both Mahakala and Kālī represent the ultimate destructive power of Brahman and they are not bounded by any rules or regulations. They have the power to dissolve even time and space into themselves and exist as Void at the dissolution of the universe. They are responsible for the dissolution of the universe at the end of Kalpa. They are also responsible for annihilating great evils and great demons when other gods, Devas and even Trimurtis fail to do so. Mahakala and Kali annihilates men, women, children, animals, the world and the entire universe without mercy because they are Kala or Time in the personified form and Time is not bound by anything and Time does not show mercy, nor does it wait for anything or anyone.[3][7] In some parts of Odisha, Jharkhand and Dooars, (that is, in northern Bengal), wild elephants are worshiped as Mahakala.[4][5]

Mahakala is typically black in colour. Just as all colours are absorbed and dissolved into black, all names and forms are said to melt into those of Mahakala, symbolising his all-embracing, comprehensive nature. Black can also represent the total absence of colour, and again in this case it signifies the nature of Mahakala as ultimate or absolute reality. This principle is known in Sanskrit as “nirguna“, beyond all quality and form, and it is typified by both interpretations.[8]



Infinite peace

I have proposed as a potential moral heuristic–which really is to say a life heuristic, since even if you don’t have a conscious morality you have an habitual morality, because we all make decisions based on what makes sense to us, and conforms to our assumptions about what is possible and appropriate–that we seek to approach, to move towards, the Four Greats: Peace, Joy, Love and Compassion.

Thinking about my cathartic experience yesterday, it occurs to me that part of growing in peace is destroying all fixed emotional structures which contain indignation, regret, outrage, horror, and really ANY conditioned, spontaneous, uncontrollable reaction to anything that might happen outside that we cannot control.

To feel infinite peace, on a certain level you would need to be able to watch a baby being murdered and feel nothing.  And I think, of course, that it helps knowing there is a heaven, and for that matter a hell.

But you would need to feel peace knowing there IS a hell.  Previous generations, and for that matter many tens of millions of people living today, were and are seemingly perfectly content knowing that souls will be tortured forever.  This is odd, don’t you think, in a religion founded on Love?

Maybe our universal system of divine law is perfectly just.  Maybe everyone there made the same awful decisions over and over and over and over.  Maybe they were given a thousand lifetimes and fucked every single one of them up, with cruelty, malice, violence and sadism.

But in a sense even they are still God’s children, are they not?  And does any decent human being really want to see even people who deserve it to suffer?

I wrote perhaps ten years ago about an experience of hell I had, and I would not wish that on anyone.  Not Adolph Hitler.  Not Tamerlane.  Not Anthony Fauci. (you may think I’m being tongue in cheek there, but I’m really not; this is a mass murder event.  He knows what the fuck he’s doing, and has since the start).

So on some level, to some degree, the spiritual aspirant has to accept the fact of infinite crimes.  He can feel love and compassion and seek to alleviate that pain, but to feel peace he needs to ACCEPT them, and not be bothered by them.

In a deep sense, I think this was a core message of the Bhagavad Gita, which was inserted into the Mahabharata, and which used its characters, but which simply used those names and situations to speak a specific message, one of the main elements of which was that you need to accept in principle violating every one of your most deeply held principles, and accepting in advance and at the time that others inevitably will as well.

As happens often, there is a certain parallelism between high and low here, between the highest, most noble spiritual aspirations, and between that group of practices we might lump under Satanism, such as actual Satanism, and the Thuggee cult in India.  There are those who aim up, and those who aim down.

But in both cases, crimes must be accepted.  Perhaps in their dim way they feel that.  Certainly people like Aleister Crowley preach of “liberation” and freedom.  But he died a broken down heroin addict, didn’t he?  I looked up his biography just now.  That may be a slight exaggeration, but it certainly did not seem like a happy death, or that he was mourned by many.

Liberation is liberation from fear.  It is not liberation, particularly, from regret, although yes I am arguing that too.

People who are pushed into dark things are not free.  Anything compulsive, or which seeks to release latent tensions and hostilities, cannot in the end be moving towards freedom.  It is living in a jail, and merely opening the window occasionally, and calling that “freedom”.  It’s not.  It’s delusion.  Delusion can feel like freedom, but you cannot drive an imaginary car very far.

To put this succinctly: if you think about it, how could you ever know peace, knowing there is suffering everywhere, and that you cannot fix it easily or quickly, or most likely at ALL–since it serves some purpose in the Grand Scheme–if you don’t have the ability to accept it?  You don’t have to accept it all the time fully, but you need to accept it SOME of the time fully, and the movement to infinite peace is accepting ALL of it ALL the time fully.

And ideas help with this.  For example, the idea that nothing is an accident AND that the universe is benign help.  This is the essence of what Krishna taught Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, as he was about to kill people he would have loved in any other context and at any other time.



As the efficacy of these jabs becomes more open to question, I feel it is worth noting that where they seem headed is what amounts to a “COVID Variant specific immune system boost”.  They will help the immune system deal with a particular variant of COVID, and do it well for perhaps 1 to 3 months.

But this logically raises the question: WHAT ELSE boosts the immune system?  Why not START with a GENERALIZED immune system boost which lasts indefinitely, then add a specific one if it seems needed?  Would a long term solution which works on all diseases not be vastly better than a short term solution which only works on a very specific disease?

Pretend for the moment your main job is public health, and not protecting profits for Big Pharma or the politically and presumably financially motivated lies of Anthony Fauci the rest of his criminal crew.

Pretend you had no skin in the game.  You were just an alien observer.  And let’s assume for the sake of argument the two approaches are equal in safety, which they obviously aren’t.

General, long lasting, versus specific and requiring continual boosts.

For that matter, cheap and readily available, versus expensive, and subject to supply constraints.

Which wins?


Then add back in that in the first case we are talking adding VITAMINS and minerals and other nutrients–the Zelenko Protocol, or something like it, obviously; and in the other literally tinkering with human cells by teaching them to mutate in ways which damage organs and the circulatory system, for we don’t really know how long, and in ways which affect growing children in ways we don’t understand and have no way of predicting.

I am gratified to see the phrase Mass Formation Psychosis becoming more popular.  Something of that nature and magnitude is the only possible means of explaining what is happening.



I woke up very early this morning, and doing my yoga, I had this intense wave of emotion wash over me.  I was a military commander from long ago, vaguely Greek, awake at 3:30 and already mourning the coming victory.  I could see the fires that would soon be lit on the horizon.  I knew my men would soon be raping and killing.  They would cut little children down where they stood, since they were of no use to them.  The woman would be herded into back rooms by groups and never leave again.  They would first kill, then rape, and then pillage.

And there was no stopping it.  You cannot ask men to fight and die and suffer and then stop that tide.  Not then.  Not by me.  Those crimes were the cost of preventing the same being done to my own homeland.  If I had tried to stop them I would have been removed as commander and the crimes would still have happened.

But it was horrifying.  Losing a war is the worst outcome.  But winning one is the second.  That was what I felt.  As I say, it was powerful.  I have a body which can take a lot.  That electricity does not destroy me.  As I keep saying, I don’t know why.


Violence, another comment

We are supposed to process our “shadow”, right?  What does this mean?  When the process is complete what happens?  All sunshine and rainbows?  A permanent loss of the ability or desire to lose your temper?  Utter and continual fearlessness?

Does this sound reasonable to you, FOR you?  Not for someone else.  For you.  Is there any continuity in this idea with life as you have lived it thus far?

Not for me.  It’s waves.  It’s ups and downs.  If you want to abstract, it’s averages but would you really want to determine mathematically the average color in all the paintings in the Louvre and draw some inference from it?

Here is what I feel at this moment: managed violence is like an enormous, wakeful, watchful dragon just sitting there in an emotional garage.  You are not feeding it or ignoring it, encouraging it or avoiding it.  You are simply allowing it to exist as a POTENTIAL aspect of your experience.

Seen like this, it is an emotional tool, at your disposal.  In my view, none of us should really want to eliminate the capacity for anger or violence.  What happens if you see someone hurting a woman, or a child, or for that matter the average male-ish checker at Target (actually, that one I will be dick enough to admit I might let play out for a minute, which itself is a chosen moment of latent brutality, that is a part of what is good in the whole)?  Or a man being attacked by a mob?

What if righting or preventing some act of cruelty requires violence?

I have on several occasions heard from the hippy dippy sorts “But what if you could have prevented Hitler by KILLING him?”  This is a source of confusion for dedicated non-violent vegans, but me, I’d cut his fucking head off in a heart beat.  Or I think I would.  That’s not a choice that’s ever been needed by me.

So this is a bit of a ramble.  I have anger in me.  I have hate in me.  I’m no saint.  But what I am is on the surface.  You can see it, and I can certainly see it.

To my mind, that is vastly healthier and better for all than the sort of deep deep delusion needed to, as one example, see what amounted to a channeled protest labeled an “insurrection”, and people rightly angry at the certification of a patently problem ridden election “traitors”.  Traitors are the ones who opened our voting systems to foreign nations, as OUR OWN MILITARY INTELLIGENCE SAID THEY DID.  At least 6 nations, I read, including China, North Korea, Iran and probably Venezuela and Cuba.

THAT IS TREASON.  Forming pacts with foreign nations to undermine US interests and sovereignty.

I won’t go into all that at length.  You either get it or you don’t.  If you have doubts, dig, but don’t dig at CNN.  Dig at Gateway Pundit and Epoch Times and places like that.

And I will note that the condemnation of Gateway Pundit is not that they are reporting false news.  It is that they are UNAPPROVED.  That is the gist of it.  “You are quoting an UPAPPROVED news source.  I can’t listen to that.  I might lose my–“.  Hmmm.  What WILL you lose, listening to voices the complicit media does not want you to hear?  Your naivete?  Your political virginity?  Your bad ideas, that on some level you have always known would fold at the first wind of honesty?

Yeah, so that is me being angry.  Some fire comes out of the dragon sometimes.  That dragon is in fact dangerous as fuck, but no, I never feed it.  It will stay in the garage.  There will simply be the smell of sulphur sometimes in what I write.

I have a very sharp Kukri I keep by my bed.  With a clear opening, I could kill anyone with one swing.  I don’t ever want to do that.  But I feel sure I would if I needed to.

This knife is a symbol to me.  It symbolizes the rejection of helplessness.  I know guns are better than knives, but I’m still a knife guy.

I really don’t think you can be a spiritual person and embrace helplessness fully.  I think you can embrace DEATH fully, the reality of it, the threat of it, and be spiritual.  That is more than I can manage at this time, and failing that, I think all of us need to make peace with our ability to wage war.