

Democrats are doing their best to destroy our country, and presumably have it absorbed into some sort of transnational blob.  They want us to lose our love of freedom;  and of guns to protect that freedom; and one obvious way to start that was the pandemic response, which was filled with irrational mandates enacted by people who should not have had the standing to enact them for more than a month or so without legislative approval; and now they are trying to destroy our economic well being, to turn all of us into needy paupers.

Hyperbole?  Possibly.  That it might not be should be scary for everyone with a brain and an ounce of love in their hearts.

Here is what I want to suggest: nonviolent resistance is the answer.  Violence is not.

We cannot enact a violent revolution when so many Americans are some combination of unable and more usually unwilling to see what is happening.  In a time of universal lies, the only viable path is clinging to the truth, publicly, and inconveniently for the liars.  Satyagraha.

Obviously, in a nation with a billion guns and at least tens of millions of veterans, violence would be easy.  But to what point?  Our media managed to turn a protest where the only people killed were protesters into an assault equal to 9/11 or the Civil War.  That was the claim made, anyway, and pretty much all the usual idiots believed it.  Those idiots in government, or the genuinely corrupt. are vastly better equipped to deal violence than nearly any of us.  Specifically, they are spying on all of us.

That is my two cents.

I do want to point out a couple things.  In a time when trucks are scarce and workers scarce, and following supply chain disruptions seemingly worsening, they want to tax mileage, and they want to further enable the unions who are doing so much to disrupt those supply chains.

It may well be that the Haitiains are being transported by boat TO Mexico, as well as transported, by Joe Biden, around the United States.  Keep in mind the head of the Border Patrol said he would arrest Joe Biden for complicity if he were not President.  That is a serious charge.

And keep in mind, too, that these Haitians–and other illegal aliens–will have no rights.  There will be no one to protect them from being forced into sex work, or worse.  This may be one intent.  Keep in mind the Hillary associate who was caught sneaking children out of Haiti, for unclear purposes.

So we have inflation, we have supply chain shortages being made worse by Biden policy, gas price increases over inflation, massive illegal immigration being facilitated by our own government, and we have vaccine mandates which amount to a return of Jim Crow, given the low compliance in the black community, which follows their warranted low levels of trust in the government.

I won’t bore you by continuing.  The pattern is clear enough, and my list not nearly complete even with respect to what WE KNOW ABOUT.  What is happening in the shadows and being suppressed?

New York is being destroyed.  California is being destroyed, perhaps to depopulate it so the tech elites have more elbow room.  Can you not imagine that Oakland may soon look like Detroit did in 2012?  Abandoned houses everywhere?

Most Americans would not be happy to think of themselves as monsters, even though the Left is by far the most dangerous threat to our collective well being at present, and existentially the worst since the Nazis, with whom they can be reasonably compared.  They are a threat to the black community.  To the Hispanic community.  They are even a threat to the prosperity of illegal aliens.  The wealth is not infinite.  The jobs are not infinite.  They are a threat to both the LGB and the T communities, at least those who do not want to live in crime ridden shitty neighborhoods.

The elite is never more than 10% and I would put it at 1%.  1% of Americans will benefit from what they have planned.  99% of us will see worse lives, possibly for a very long time.

Contrast this with Trump, where literally every class of Americans was seeing an improvement in their standard of living, where chronic unemployment was becoming a thing of the past.

Whether or not the rich are getting richer is never the main question.  The main question is “is everyone getting richer”?  And even if you SET as a goal preventing the rich from getting richer, what happens is you take the money of one group of rich, but the very, very, very rich benefit from that too.  There has never been any reason for billionaires not to fund Communists.  They can’t be hurt.



I was talking with a Kurd today.  They are one more people who have been fucked by multiple empires–by history if you will.

I mentioned the Peshmerga, and he told me it meant “to die first”, which in my own mind I translated as “don’t give a fuck”.

I like that.


Burying the dead

I spend a lot of time alone.  After a while, solitude becomes a silence, and then a space which “speaks” to you.  Ideas and thoughts come to me, as if blown in by the wind.  It is fascinating to watch.  I am never bored.

Some thoughts are like thorns that I am stuck on.  One is “they watched me die.”

The “they” is my parents.  Both of them were emotionally numb, and what this amounts to is that when you send an impulse of actual emotional need, there is no reactive surface for it to land on, which sends you the signal back that someone is out there.  The cry for help just travels on, to infinity, passing right through them.

And so much of human life is unconscious.  None of us can ever not communicate.  In fact many observers have said most of our communication is non-verbal.  There is one predominant form of communication that occasionally supplements words.

And that predominant form is what is heard and remembered, particularly by small children.  Words don’t matter at all, except as warnings.

Aliveness is being all reactive surface, it is seeing and feeling and hearing and touching and tasting and smelling and thinking everything.  You are not blind.  You are not numb.  You are alive, not dead.

Now, in the Bible the specific verse refers to a disciple who wants to bury his father, but here is what “burying the dead” means to me symbolically: those who are numb are happy to welcome those who have lost their spark.  They are happy to no longer be reminded of what is possible.  They are happy to resonate with you when you are sending out defeat and dissociation, and eager to dispute with anyone retaining life within them, anyone still fighting to reconnect with laughter and light.

They don’t want to remember.  They are grateful dead.  That name has always seemed significant to me.  The Dead Heads I have known are outwardly happy, but when you get to know most of them, they have huge dysfunctions largely papered over with drugs and pretense.

Letting the dead bury the dead describes this process, of the dead welcoming back into the midst the new arrivals, those who have lost their faith.

And Jesus, in that specific verse, might reasonably be thought to have had a very good suspicion that if that man went to bury his father, he would never see him again.  That disciple would have rejoined the dead, and never left.

So few of us really feel what it might be like to feel alive.  It is a disease, and one that is difficult to cure.  I have not cured it in myself, but I have hopes that I will one day.  I work at it daily.


The Core Question

What good person suppresses good news?

One of the most astonishing things in this whole clusterfuck is how EAGER so many people have been to disbelieve good news, and to EMBRACE the most extreme impositions on personal liberty.  Masks?  Bring them on.  For our kids?  Sure, why not?  Locking me in my home for an indeterminate period?  Sure.  Mandatory participation in a medical experiment?  Sign me up.  Wait, you already did.


In that vein, let me share some more details I just learned about India, which I will remind you has about 1.3 billion people, and about 425,000 deaths that are reportedly from COVID (we always need to qualify “COVID” numbers since the reporting is in most cases willfully loose and sloppy), making their death rate a fraction of our own, despite huge overcrowding (as we would see it), poor sanitation, and very widespread poverty, with associated health problems.—part-v-the-secret-revealed/article_9a37d9a8-1fb2-11ec-a94b-47343582647b.html

There are multiple things you could choose to focus on, but for me the most obvious is the early treatment pack, which has Zinc, D3, C, Ivermectin and Doxycyline.

As I heard in an interview with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and to a vastly less dramatic extent Quercetin, have the effect of driving zinc into cells, particularly when given with Vitamin C.  This effectively ends the propagation of the illness, and when given early will result in few symptoms, and a near zero risk of hospitalization, much less death.

And India has its own Sweden versus UK, in Uttar Pradesh versus Kerala.  In the first case, you have SCIENCE.  Science means you take an educated guess, test it, then measure the results.

In the second case you have what is happening everywhere else in the world, which is NOT science, in that measures are asserted, then imposed, and dissenting data and views suppressed.

I don’t know that that is exactly what is happening in Kerala, but what they are doing seems to be what the WHO and CDC are recommending, and certainly includes serious efforts at mass spike protein injection:

On August 25, 2021, the Indian media noticed the discrepancy between Uttar Pradesh’s massive success and other states, like Kerala’s, comparative failure. Although Uttar Pradesh was only 5% vaccinated to Kerala’s 20%, Uttar Pradesh had (only) 22 new COVID cases, while Kerala was overwhelmed with 31,445 in one day. So it became apparent that whatever was contained in those treatment kits must have been pretty effective.


News18 reported, “Let’s look at the contrasting picture. Kerala, with its 3.5 crore population – or 35 million, on August 25 reported 31,445 new cases, a bulk of the total cases reported in the country. Uttar Pradesh, the biggest state with a population of nearly 24 crore – or 240 million – meanwhile reported just 22 cases in the same period.


Two days ago, just seven fresh positive cases were reported from Uttar Pradesh. Kerala reported 215 deaths on August 25, while Uttar Pradesh only reported two deaths. In fact, no deaths have been reported from Uttar Pradesh in recent days. There are only 345 active cases in Uttar Pradesh now while Kerala’s figure is at 1.7 lakh – or 170,000.”


I will continue to insist that until your stomach gets a sinking feeling in it, you have not emotionally grasped the SCALE and murderous psychopathy inherent in this global crime.