
School choice

I think honest people who GENUINELY care about the black community (a very small subset of those–mostly white–who have arrogated to themselves the patronizing and emotionally abusive role of speaking FOR the black community) have to point out that OPPOSING CHARTER SCHOOLS IS INHERENTLY RACIST.

There is no other good way to look at it.  Black kids from bad homes in poor neighborhoods tend to flourish in those schools.  They are more insulated from the judgment of their peers, particularly.  I don’t know the specific reasons these schools work, but they do.

Any person who opposes Charter Schools opposes black educational achievement.  Full stop.  No other way to look at it from my perspective.

And as far as payment, the system varies, but where I am they “bill” all taxpayers a percent of their income.  But since just under half of all Americans don’t actually pay income tax, net, this means that about half the community is paying for the other half of the community.  Even though my kids are long grown, I continue to contribute.

Why not let people who are not paying the share of taxes they are using to purportedly get an “education” for their kids, use those allocated taxes any way they want?  Get competition between schools, as to who can attract the parents with the money?

Sweden did this.  Let me repeat that: SWEDEN DID THIS.  And what happened?  Not only did superior alternative schools open up everywhere, but the overall level of education across the board, including in public schools, went up.

If you want people to do something, they need motivation.  Fear of pain is one motivation, but so too is pride, and pride will generate vastly more positive social effects than fear of punishment, which no infrequently breeds LESS compliance, because fuck you Mr. Government, for no particular reason other than that you are in my face.

It can be tiring for me, seeing how much possibility exists that is unseen, or actively opposed by the blind and the wicked and the rotten, using lies.

But opposition to Charter Schools is inherently racist.  We need to make this a common theme.


Being a soldier

I believe in reincarnation, and I think I have been soldier many times.  In this life, my use was–I think–elsewhere.  I am fighting on another level.

But even though I have shared this rough theme several times, I am going to try it again, at least for my own use: the essence of soldiering is fear.  You train because you rightly fear the enemy.  You fear letting your comrades down.  And you fight because you don’t want to die, not like that, not for want of effort or courage.

But war is ugly.   Fighting is ugly.  I feel sometimes in me, and I think I’ve mentioned this, this grizzled old soldier, cut in dozens of places, somewhat numb, but not someone you would ever want to fuck with.  I’m not longer physically who I may once have been, but I feel what it would be like to know how to deal death, and to it reflexively and effectively anywhere it is needed, as long as it is needed.

And again as I think I’ve said before–I hate repeating myself, but my memory is good, but not perfect–there is nothing good in being a warrior, really.  It is a sad life.  There is so much pride presented in public because in reality it is nasty business.  Mangled bodies, blood, fire, horrific smells, crying children, destroyed cities.  Guilt, for those who are able to keep it, which is the best of them.

Value courage.  Preach courage.  Preach bravery and self sacrifice.  Those are noble virtues.  But I personally do not think we should value being a “warrior”.  It is merely better than being a helpless coward, and useless bystander.

You cannot get to peace through war, ultimately.  There are times when bad things need to be done by bad people, but as Lao Tzu taught 2,500 years ago, even successful wars should be mourned as funerals; and some shame should accrue to those who allowed the wars to be necessary.

I don’t really know what it means to be an “old soul”, but I think I have seen a lot.



Believe it or not, I do actually like to laugh.  Believe it or not, I’m not actually a downer to be around.  I’m not sad or shy.

But particularly NOW I am keyed to any number of possibly bad things.  As I continue to believe, if this global COVID tyranny is possible when we have good early treatments, which our doctors are prevented from providing by the same people pushing the tyranny, then ANYTHING is possible.  Anything.

So I think this Facebook thing was a test.  A test for what?

Well, think about it: if some major event started to go down, like mass arrests of those who are ACTUALLY following the science on these experimental medical treatments, which is to say those of labeled as domestic terrorists by our own government, how would people get the word out?  What would be the first thing?  Social media, obviously.

And Big Government controls Big Tech.  They will do whatever they are asked.

Here is my suggestion: create an email distribution list of ten people you personally know, ideally from several different regions in the country, and optimally in other countries as well, so that if some shit does go down, you can send that email out, if social media is down.

In the email, which I would suggest you create and test now, suggest to each recipient they do the same thing.  Send it to people you trust.  If a network like that existed, it would serve to get news out widely and quickly.  A digital age Paul Revere.

And obviously the NSA and other agencies can jack with all this.  But here is what I would suggest: the more people they have to involve, the more steps in the process, the less likely it becomes.

The “for want of a nail” analogy applies on all sides.  Some small thing can sometimes prevent some large thing.  The goal is always to take from those afflicting you things they value, and which make their job easier.  This is basic strategy.  You protect what is valuable to you, and take from they what is valuable to them.  Large things begin as small things.  Things like lack of gasoline or bad weather have often influenced, sometimes decisively, even large conflicts.

Make a plan for communication if the SHTF.  This is one idea.

And again, I don’t think EVERYONE in our government is corrupt.  That is a step too far.  Many people are doing what they are told to keep their jobs.  Many are completely deluded.  They believe fairy tales about the inevitability of freedom and goodness in the United States.  Maybe many are sympathetic to those railing against the dying of the law in this nation.  The more people who have to be in on any scheme, the less likely it is to succeed.

And for those of you capable of it, particularize these ideas to your circumstances.  Do whatever you can within the realm of the legal to make the bastards job harder.


Anxiety, Tinnitus and Sacrifice

Developmental trauma, and “simple” PTSD both carry with them a daily load of unresolvable anxiety/anger/shame.  One shades into the other easily and seamlessly, but one is always present.

And it hit me this morning that one way of reducing the perception of that anxiety is increasing the noise.

I have commented more than once that becoming a cop or soldier is an obvious choice for someone with ambient anxiety.  Why?  Those jobs justify the anxiety, then increase it, but then create a way OUT.  If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, you can have prepared for it, and deal with it.  Concrete steps can be taken.

I wanted to be both a cop and a soldier.  Bad eyes prevented both.

But I want to draw an analogy with tinnitus.  I have had tinnitus as long as I can remember.  I don’t think about it, but I do take a gingko biloba supplement that I think helps a bit.

Most people like me–and I’ve had this conversation a number of times–sleep with some sound.  The sound not only reduces the impact of the “bumps” in the night–nearly all homes shift a bit even in mild breezes, or temperature changes–but also covers up the tinnitus somewhat.  You add a louder sound, and the quieter one is easier to ignore.

I think anger and violence are like this.  They are ways of resolving ambient anxiety by adding more.  It is paradoxical, but if you think about it, you have seen it in yourself, and seen it in others.

The guy with a chip on his shoulder is traumatized.  His mother was probably crazy, and his dad abusive.  He deals with his pain and fear only with difficulty.  Getting in a fight is a simple way to make that ambient fear and pain disappear, perceptually, for a time.

And I think this basic process is at the root of ritual sacrifice.  Rather than allow conflicts to break out in an unregulated way in a world where everyone is angry some of the time, you channel that energy, amplify it with ceremony, then discharge it in a violent act.

Even if I’ve said all this before, it feels different this time.


Thought on this Fascism

I’ve said, I think more than once that the crazies are not more than a third of the population, and the core crazies not more than than 10 of that group.

But those are roughly the numbers with which the Nazis took over Germany.  It is simply a matter of a long term plan, solid brinksmanship in the face of cowards who reliably back down, and always seizing every opportunity that presents itself.

Is it unreasonable to assume that the Communists, understood broadly as people willing to tolerate any crime in the name but not reality of improving humanity, have been steadily seeding their people in all our key agencies for 50 years?  John Brennan admitted to voting for the Communist candidate in the national election, just after seeing what the North did to the South when they conquered it.  As Director, what would he NOT have been capable of?  As I have said often, he was most likely Trump’s most effective enemy.  He stayed in the shadows, mostly, which is what spooks do, but Comey was not that bright, and the list is otherwise pretty short.

Watch this short video.  Authoritarianism always depends on a core audience,  a core group willing to enthusiastically embrace the dissolution of their own freedom and individuality.

And I particularly like the quote that Totalitarianism is an effort to impose fiction on reality.

Give it a look:

I of course am someone who is relentless in attempting to see and tell the truth.  It is the main act of hope in most of my days.


Spike Protein Injections, another hypothesis

As I self evidently believe, these jabs are completely indefensible from a moral and scientific perspective.  The risks are unknown, and we are seemingly being fed cooked data, and the actual data withheld from all but a corrupt elite.

Why should we not heed the warnings of the Nobel Laureate who isolated HIV?

Why should we not heed the warnings of the man who developed the technology being used?

We should.  Of course we should.  There is no need to give them the final word, at least until they provide definitive data, but they should have a seat at the table, and they don’t.  They are being consciously and systematically marginalized.

That should tell you all you need to know.  If it doesn’t, then you are stupid.  It may not be IQ related stupidity–you have be able to do the New York Times Crossword in ten minutes.  But it is emotional rigidity which is determining what you will ALLOW yourself to se.  In the end: fear.  Fear of having to radically revise your world view, of having to admit the existence of truly horrific human beings who are presently aggregating more and more power to themselves, which they are taking from you and your children and your grandchildren, if we have not sterilized a generation with these fucking jabs.

And consider that even Thalidomide probably took 9 months before the problems started showing up.  It was legal over the counter in many European countries for 4 years.  And while I have not dug deeply into it, the connection between that drug and dead and deformed babies was most likely strenuously denied by the drug manufacturer.  They no doubt had studies showing its safety.

Sound familiar?

Here is my latest hypothesis: the jabs are intended to induce Antibody Dependent Enhancement in our youth, thus lowering the average age of the average COVID victim, and making it seem vastly more scary than it ever was, or would be, with a sane policy in place.

That fear will be used to add another year or so to this tyranny, and possibly be used to make it permanent.  Big Pharma will also of course make large, large bundles of money.

I will remind you that in India, in Uttar Pradesh, they are doing something which is sending the people behind all this into paroxysmic fits:  they are treating millions of people living in huts with dirt floors, such that almost NONE of them are dying, and most are not getting that sick.

Here is that link, which I have most likely posted before:—part-v-the-secret-revealed/article_9a37d9a8-1fb2-11ec-a94b-47343582647b.html

And here is a former Pfizer employee saying that if you get the jab, your risk goes UP:

This whole fucking government tyranny was never necessary.  This pandemic was never that dangerous.  The two weeks was just a corny line to get us into bed and rape us.

And Pfizer and others seem to be selling thirsty people salt water.  The ethics of this whole thing just makes my head hurt.  I don’t get it.  I don’t get the psychopaths in chauffeured Mercedes and Rolls Royces wanting that money and power so badly that they are murdering children, and destroying their mental health.

Our hospitals are being filled with children having terrible and acute mental health problems, or so I hear anecdotally.

When does all this stop?  When the people of the world WAKE THE FUCK UP.


Watch this video

Watch the video embedded in this.  This is just about everything I believe.


Further thought on the Book of Laughter and Forgetting

You know, one of the reasons I don’t read that much is that everything I read circulates for a very long time. I digest, then digest some more.

What I will speculate–perhaps stupidly, since I am not pulling out the book and going through it again–is that the whole thing was intended as a sort of Rorschach Test for the readers.  Perhaps it was a very sarcastic and bitter joke played by Kundera on his former fellow travelers, many of whom fell for it, many of whom overlooked the horrors in it in favor of the types he mocked and satirized.

Perhaps all the stories exemplified types he saw in the perverted emotional world of Communistic authoritarianism: the pettiness, egotism, childishness,  and callous violence, all combined with puerile sentimentality and self congratulation.

It obviously bothered him deeply that the Czech Premier, or whatever his title was, teared up when his beloved pop singer returned, and how much of a grand reception he or she–I don’t remember–received.

And he more or less said great music was dead.  Keep in mind, he was a trained musician.  His father was also a musician.

I read he renounced Czechoslovakia permanently, and has lived in France since he was more or less forced to leave. I read he also said his books should be considered as French literature.


I find when I enlarge my world, pain comes in.  There is so much pain in this world, so many thorns.  But it is the path. I am very sure of it.



Some of the first scientific experiments done in psychology involved the measurement of perceptual thresholds.  The example I will invoke here is the measurement of quantities of light: how many lumens do you have to increase a stimulus in order for the person to perceive it?  This was measured across numerous people in numerous studies and numerous conditions.

What I would suggest is we live in a sea of light.  As I have often repeated, Richard Feynman–who I will note was seemingly an atheist, but I would guess more out of habit than philosophical conviction, as I think it was just not a “problem” that interested him–said that every square meter of “empty” space contains enough latent energy to boil every ocean on Earth.

“Enlightenment”, so called, is a gradual process of seeing the next gradation of light, which happens gradually, but is perceived suddenly.  It is quantized, from a perceptual perspective.

I have long been dissatisfied with Zen stories, where some seeker encounters some particular stimulus, and becomes “enlightened”.  A made up but representative example might be “a twig then broke, and Kobayashi become enlightened.”

There are many enlightenments, in my view.  The process is becoming more and more aware, and I think there is a certain point where, relative to this world, you achieve neutral buoyancy.  You can go up and down with equal ease, where until that moment you were weighted down by an ignorance of what was possible.

We are all nomads, if we believe that when we die we travel “on”, in Dumbledore’s (Joanne Rowling’s) memorable phrase.  We have no home but here.  No purpose but being present.

And of course all of us exist within cognitive and purposive structures.  On this planet we have to physically survive.  We have needs which are often hard to meet–for food, for love, for companionship, for shelter (emotionally and physically).  This is all part of it.

You never become one thing and not the other.  The Buddha ate food. He decided each morning what to do with at least the first hour, and perhaps he planned weeks in advance at times.  He had a Life Purpose first of achieving neutral buoyancy, then teaching others how to, possibly, do it themselves.

And he taught his followers to be nomads.  Perhaps that is good and even necessary practice.

And what I feel is that each of us tends to want a nest to live within.  We have a floor and we have a ceiling, in terms of what we allow ourselves to perceive.

But I think the large feelings–the traditional Four Greats are joy, peace, love and compassion–require room to circulate.  Despair is very likely connected to joy.  There is a loop which would go below our floor, then rise above our ceiling.  If it is reliably stopped in both directions, it cannot circulate, and cannot become a part of our experience.

Perhaps peace depends on familiarity with terror and anxiety.

Perhaps love depends on the capacity to hate.

Perhaps compassion depends on the capacity for complete indifference.

All of them, perhaps are loops.  And if we allow the loops to complete, we can CHOOSE what we emphasize, but the momentum will be UP, towards the higher sentiments.

And open space, of course, allows it all.

Oh, so much is possible in this world.  It all starts with the courage to try, to seek, to risk, to fail, to endure confusion, heartache, pain, sadness, anger, and all the rest, and through all of it to remain open.

Openness is raising your roof, and lowering your floor, until both are far away, and perhaps one day vanish entirely.

Wherever you are, this will be invisible to those around you.  They will merely see the effects, if they have any power of perception at all.


Brief meditations

This morning I find two things amazing:

One: That any reviewer could find Milan Kundera’s “Book of Laughter and Forgetting” anything but horrific.  The core scene in the novel is his image of Czechoslovakia drowning, while a boatload of psychopathic children looks on with only mild curiosity.

Two: How eagerly and vociferously women are defending the practice of abortion.  Ponder this carefully, emotionally.  Sex is pleasurable, but pregnancy is sacred.  Anyone who has been around a pregnant woman, if they have the least power of perception, has seen her glowing.  It is a happy time.  Pregnancy is a happy time.  The exceptions to this should be few and far between.

Yet somehow we have devolved to demands, more or less, to treat babies as unwanted objects the moment they become unwanted.  Partial birth abortions are the new thing that Democrats want, not just the right to have a medical doctor perform the procedure.  There is no love in any of this, no goodness, no kindness, no caring, no compassion.  It is entirely appropriate that it is Satanists doing the most to defend abortion in Texas, and entirely appropriate that many on the Left support them.

We have lost nuance.  No one takes the time to listen to their hearts, to what emerges from silence.  It is all shouting and screaming, never any thinking or hearting.

There is plenty to work from, for those of us who retain a taste for the occasional old school Jeremiad.