
Worth requoting periodically

“Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, Governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some . . . Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction,
and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.”

John Maynard Keynes, in the short period before he became a fully cynical left wing asshole (if there was such a period).

Here is one series of pieces I wrote a while back.  Keynes is discussed in one, but the more important pieces detail how inflation is theft, and how to stop it, and in an optimal scenario, reverse much of its harm.



Introspective imaginative observation

Why would anyone value peace of mind who does not believe it is possible?  Who has sought it everywhere, and failed?

As a basis for morality–that consistency of behavior rooted in empathy, self respect, and emotional awareness–peace of mind is most often a starting place, not an ending place.

Stereotypically, if you grow up in a small town on a farm and are taught a clear and firm moral code, you have the peace of mind of having a place and purpose, and the task then is to protect it, by never behaving in ways which contravene what you believe.  This protects your peace of mind.

But for the traumatized–and this, by the way, is nearly all the super-rich on the planet, and I’ve met a few people connected with them, at least one of whom I have discussed–you have nothing to protect.  Your baseline is one of chronic tension, avoidance, anger, fear, shame, and all the models and methods you personally have evolved to deal with all that.

Peace of mind, as one obvious example, is not possible for Hillary Clinton.  Not going to happen.  If she is guilty of some of the sadistic acts some have accused her of, that is as good as it gets for her.  Cruelty can ease that pain of tension for a brief time, but it is not sustainable.  There is no lasting peace possible.

We live in a world where many of the largest decisions, affecting the most people, are being made by people who–consciously or not–have always found it impossible to relax deeply.  No doubt they enjoy luxurious vacations on beaches in exotic places, but that tension never fully winds down.  Ever.  Ever.

And it seems to me that the main satisfaction of the super rich has got to be what I will call Reverse Envy, which is the feeling of specialness knowing that they get to do something or experience something, that most people can’t.  The feeling of being on a private yacht in some tropical paradise, with a Michelin rated chef on board, and a 25 year old beauty.  And all the cocaine or whatever else you want.

In my mind’s eye, such people enjoy the IDEA of being who they are, and experiencing what they experience.  They may not take pictures and post on Facebook, but the mindset is the same.

This is radically different from actually BEING emotionally present and ACTUALLY enjoying what they do.

I think most of them get rich because they have in effect made virtues of their inability to relax, which translates as a relentless focus on work.  If you work all the time, and you are smart, and you are willing to fuck over the people you need to fuck over, you will succeed sooner or later, most likely.

But as with the Midas story, such people cannot fully appreciate what they have.  There are happier people living in huts with dirt floors in the Caribbean.  Nearly all those people become radically alone, because they cannot trust anyone.  Money makes everyone funny.


Another Peter Mccullough speech worth watching

MUST SEE: Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Warning on Therapeutic Nihilism and Untested Vaccines – “Unbelievable Atrocity” Is Unfolding (VIDEO)

This whole thing is fucking insane.  I don’t get tired of saying that every day.  Obviously.




We tend to look at the direct outcomes of large problems, but less often the smaller ones.

I picture children growing up with fathers gone all the time fighting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and elsewhere.  These children were told their fathers were off fighting to keep them free.

Then Afghanistan falls in a month, after some 20 years of conflict, and even our allies are stranded, their names given to our enemies, and the whole thing falls apart in a whiff of smoke.

What child could or would excuse that, when they grew up without a father?  What use was ANY of that?

Or take an Afghan girl of 8-13 years old.  She had been hoping to begin school.  I myself have contributed a number of times to groups educating young girls in that part of the world.

She was looking forward to school, but now her destiny might be that of child bride.  School is out of the question.  Whatever hopes she had are now gone.

Empathy is really two things: understanding yourself, and possessing the capacity for imagination.  I don’t find it hard to feel in myself the horror such girls must feel, looking at this future, of bearded misogynistic psychopaths.  They have no escape but death, and some of them will most likely choose that path.

This world is filled with ugly and indefensible and OBVIOUS lies.  All good people with educations like mine should be seeing what is going on, and standing up for what is obviously right, and opposing lies and greed wherever they find them.

That such people are missing in action, by and large, is a big part of why things suck as much as they do.

I am an anomaly.  I should have plenty of intellectual company out there.  It’s not absent, but the volume should be much greater.  Chicago and Berkeley graduate a lot of people.  And most of them side with the horror and the lies.  Sooner or later, they start telling the lies themselves.  They flip, fully.  They become Headless Ones.


Branch Covidianism

I am going to start calling the COVID-Pharmaco-Industrial Complex The Invisible War.  That is what it is.  We are robbed every time money is created from nothing.  The value is simply taken in principle immediately, as a result of an increase in the amount of money in existence–the so-called Money Supply (which does seem to connote a faucet somewhere, doesn’t it?)–then in reality via following price inflation, which can take months and years to play out, depending on many complex factors.

But War is what it is.  A group whose names we don’t really know, but many of which we can guess, is stealing from humanity our physical wealth, our freedom, and our mental health.  That is an attack, and organized attacks are the primary instrument of war.


Transgender music

You know, just about every rock and roll song ever is about a girl and a boy.  How does music change when you can no longer assume the boy is a boy and the girl a girl?  Think of your favorite songs, and introduce this confusion.

Will preferred pronouns ever appear in any love song worth a shit?


And how can there be genuine sexual tension between people who can’t even figure out what gender they are?  I don’t think it does. I think whatever sex acts they do amount to masturbating with a partner.

I think most of these people are fat and pathetic, and this whole thing an abstract game they are playing because they are afraid of their REAL sexuality.  Gay, Straight, Bisexual, and Lesbian: these can all generate sexual tension.  Zee and Zat, I don’t see it.

And for many purported transgenders, the real payoff is a mild but continual sexual thrill that comes with violating sexual norms, with secretly being a boy dressed as a girl.

That sort of thrill can ONLY exist in a world where we still recognize the very real differences between men and women.  If that difference is erased, one more source of pleasure will be gone from this gray world, even for people who WERE supposedly in support of it.

All of this is a cultural attack driven by rich and powerful people, to weaken us, to make us more stupid, more divided, and vastly less confident.


Point worth emphasizing


In political propaganda, many efforts are made to sell the ridiculous under the guise of the familiar.

As one obvious example, the lack of infrastructure–reliable good quality roads and bridges and ports–really has often been a problem for developing nations.

But it is not even remotely a problem in the United States.  Every road I drive on is fine.  Everywhere.  No exceptions outside a few residential streets in decrepit northern cities.

But people say “we need infrastructure”, and people unconsciously layer on the calls for such a thing in the developing world, and accept the same need here, when the whole thing is a cash from heaven scheme for connected elites.  The plan is authorized theft of hundreds of billions of dollars, with much of it going to people more than happy to pay back the favor in political donations and support.

And the Establishment–the authoritarian psychopaths–have made it sound like HCQ and Ivermectin are dangerous alternatives to something that works.

Obviously, if you have something that works, and has a long good track record, there is no good reason to replace it with something speculative, even if that something is also known to be safe.

But we don’t have ANYTHING.  Even if many doctors advise Vitamin D and Zinc privately, I don’t think this is an announced guidelines from any of these sick bitches and bastards running this shit show.

And where Ivermectin is used, death pretty much stops.  THIS IS THE DATA.

Here is a link:

When will sanity return?  It will take a LOT of people not just waking up, but speaking up.



Must Watch

Alex Jones–and I am going to speculate a few reasonable women in the middle who are getting no credit–has done a great job on this.  It is the first installment of I think 5.

This video is the best I have seen on this topic, and BY FAR the best I have seen from InfoWars.  Please share it.


Edit: I was drinking beer when I posted this–every time I let the enormity of this crime hit me I feel the need for pounding a few–and the first line probably doesn’t make sense on first second, or, well shit I’m going to explain it.

Alex Jones has to have somebody calm him down.  He gets angry and upset and starts shouting easily.  What he is mad about I am mad about too, and on balance I support him.  I think he has broken some needed stories, as have Gateway Pundit and others.  He is an net asset to America and the world.

Here is the thing: the original Political Correctness was your wife frowning at you.  You screwed up.  Oh, yes, it IS our anniversary.  How do I manage to forget every year?

So in my mind I was picturing some women in his life somewhere telling him not to get too hot, to keep it cool, to tone it down, and that the effect would be BETTER, not worse.

That was the latent idea.  And no I am not drinking now, but I am very tired from a long day.

I see it has over 2 million views.  10 million would be a good goal, and hopefully just a good start.




Great way of putting it

“ “Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected in the first place?” the nurse asks the San Diego County Board of Supervisors.”

This whole thing is fucking madness.  No sane mind, in my view, can look at the totality of this monstrosity and not see a willful crime.  Pick your villain, but you need some real life Bond villains who were not stopped, and succeeded in their global plot; or at least have, thus far.

We await those with balls, brains, and principle.  There have been a few, but we need a lot more.



Comment on spirituality

The goal is not to become someone else.  The goal is not to lose all the signposts and markers that are “you”.  It is not oblivion.  It is not even, necessarily, to lose all your bad habits.

The goal is to exist within that latticework structure that is “you”, which is in constant motion, but within knowable patterns, and feel MORE like you.  To get closer to a feeling of comfort and calm.  It is to learn how to move forward to something that feels good, by realizing that most of what you have been clinging to really doesn’t help much, and certainly does not feel like a long term home.

This, in any event, is my particular musing, on this particular day, at this particular moment.

There is no true loss on the spiritual path, but it FEELS that way.  It feels that way.