
Squid Game

I read Squid Game costumes are likely to be popular this Halloween.

How can I not comment?  These are my sorts of themes.

First off, there is a homology between this and the Highlander.  There can only be one.  This is the theme of the show Survivor, and of the Hunger Games.

When there is no longer any true tribalism, complete with tribal loyalties, there is no reason tribes cannot be assigned to us, with the understanding that we are still solitary and alone monads, facing a universe largely without any mercy not granted us by conforming or succeeding according to arbitrary and mutable rules.

If it is not Us versus Them–which is most of human history–then it is each of us against the world, with along the way many temporary alliances of expediency but not loyalty or principle.

And this thing is about MONEY, in the end.  Money.  Nothing more.

As I read the plot summary, the contestants, once granted the right to leave, in the main choose to return back.  It’s sort of like buying a lottery ticket where you either win or die.  It’s tantamount to committing suicide with a mildly better excuse, and granting the final act to someone else.

Is the “there can only be one” motif not somehow appropriate to our hypercompetitive culture?  The thirst to be the best, something which is regularly and closely watched and measured?

There can be value in competition, in moderation.  Within rules.  Within boundaries.  Within REAL games.  Not in life and death situations, not in comparing the absolute value of one human life to another.

Capitalism is about competition, but also multiplicity of outcomes, and many players.  Capitalism, in the end, is about the freedom to follow your own dream, and the right to claim the fruits of that labor.

Properly speaking, it is about saving the money for paint and canvas, painting something beautiful, then selling it.  This is a literal example, but should be understood figuratively.  It is about taking materials of some sort, adding information and form and USE to them, and then selling that creative act for a profit.

No sane person can or should object to this process.

But consider that in this series most of these people are IN DEBT.  Who are the debt collectors?  The people not just with money, but ultimately those who MAKE THE MONEY.

As I continue to insist, our system has a HUGE leak.  It is not true Capitalism, if we choose to use Marx’s word to describe a benign system.  The value of all people’s labor is not stolen by the Capitalist–who created their jobs in the first place, and enabled them to share in the profit taking process through wages–but by the person who devalues their money.

We just witnessed theft on a truly globally unprecedented scale.  Hundreds of billions if not trillions were stolen from us in this process of money creation.  Historically, never has so much been gifted directly to the public, but I still suspect most people on balance in the past 18 months increased their personal indebtedness.  The people making the loans own yet more of the world than they did, and most of them received huge amounts of money directly from the Fed themselves.


Some more comments.  I was reading an interview with Laird Hamilton, the surfer, and he talked about everyone needs to feel from time to time like they may die, doing something other than driving.  He surfs enormous waves, that pound him under water, and force him to hold his breath, sometimes for a minute or more, in continual turbulence.

I think many people stuck in boring jobs, living boring lives (which by the way they have CHOSEN to make boring, since even broke people can find interesting ways to spend their time), wonder what it would be like when life and death are truly on the line.  This is most likely part of the fascination.

And more ominously, many people have been conditioned to what amounts to vicarious, sacrificial sadism, in that their anxiety eases momentarily seeing acts of cruelty and violence inflicted on others.

This show in theory, within the show, is for the elites, but in reality anyone watching it is also in that category.  It’s not different in many ways from the orgies of violence the Romans fell into consuming regularly.  Christians fed to lions.  Gladiatorial combats.  People filled stadiums and watched these.

As you likely know, the Panem from The Hunger Games was from Panem et Circenses.

David Icke, who over time is seeming less and less nuts to me, says that the Hunger Games–and an elite group overseeing it spread in exclusive and hyper-wealthy and technologically sophisticated, if also culturally and morally decadent, enclaves around our connected world–is the goal of the people pushing the COVID nonsense.  The same thing underlay the overreach following 9/11, which was an event manufactured by them.

What we have learned is that terror was not the real threat of 9/11: it was the government, using it to metastasize in its overreach.

And COVID-19 was not the real threat: it was government, USING it to push us into yet a smaller freedom space.

I will end this ramble by asking: what would average people from the 1950’s or 1960’s thought of the Squid Game?  I think they would have rightly seen it as vaguely demonic.  Ultraviolence, all the Halloween movies–and for that matter Clockwork Orange itself–was unknown to them, and I think most of us have forgotten how long it took for us to become numb to it.  It’s not natural.

But I think the sadists for a New World Order already exist among our youth.  They have not become socialized in a proper sense.  They have been participating in vicarious violence all their lives.  Their parents were somewhere else.  They have been indoctrinated to an extent that would have warmed Goebbels cold heart to hate “the haters”.

Who are the haters?  Anyone they are TOLD are the haters.  Any temporary and mutable target of the State.  Against those people all crimes are condoned.



As a virus evil does best hiding as good, until it has taken over its host.

I remember people who called themselves Liberal in the 70’s and 80’s. They believed something. They were on very shaky ground philosophically but it was still possible to believe the lacunae and contradictions were correctible.

Now, though, their only standard is hatred of ideological difference. When opposing decent people, they tell lies about them to make them appear rotten. This justifies the hate that WAS ALREADY THERE.

I have been called a racist for questioning the science of global warming, and for pointing out the data on Ivermectin is solid and good. Think about the sorts of minds twisted in that way.

Black conservatives are called White Supremicists.

Republicans are not trying to hurt black folks snd Democrats damn sure are not trying to help them. This is the reality.


How’s this:

Facts do not compete. They comingle and complete, absent conceit.

When people say “competing facts”, if the facts really are facts, then there can be no question that what is meant are competing fragmentary world views being pushed for emotional reasons.

If I say X, Y and Z is true, and they ARE true, they do not become false if you assert that A, B and C are ALSO true.

What that is, most of the time, is an ego driven perceptual failure. This is why Edward de Bono created the White Hat (in his Six Thinking Hats method) and perhaps WHY he made it the white hat.


This is not Lysenkoism

Here is the thing: Anthony Fauci is not MISTAKEN.  It is not that he has beliefs that are contrary to reality.  He is not persevering in error despite terrible results.


This attack on the foundations of science and public health is without precedent.  We have had bad ideas before.  We have had people who stubbornly refused to evaluate evidence before.

But we have never had people who KNEW BETTER consciously and intentionally lying to people, knowing full well that mass unpleasant death would be the result.

This, this way, is new, at least in the modern era, as far as I know, and in terms of scale, there are clearly no precedents in recorded human history.


Living in a slot

I was looking at an apparently homeless dog yesterday, in a run down part of town.  He seemed to be looking for food.  And I thought: he lives in a perennial present.  He will live in this perennial present until the day he dies.  He will have latent memories of past people and places, but no active ones.

And life as a homeless dog likely has ups and downs.  When he finds a good stash of good food, he eats his fill then takes a nap.  When he is hungry or mistreated, he growls and is anxious.

And I thought to myself what it would be like to “lose” my future and my past.  I myself cling to my present through superstructures in my mind linking the past and–as an emotional extrapolation of the present–the future.  You can predict you own emotional future if you are very sure you will never change.

And there are metastructures: for example, the content of my thought might change, but not the ubiquity of it.  I think many intellectuals and thought workers find this hard to let go of.  I know I do.

But being a log, washed up and down by the sea: that is an odd image, and a hard thing to imagine emotionally.

I’m trying to engage with this time, and my own time on Earth.  I am trying to enter it perceptually, to live on the inside of the moment.  It is hard.  Most worthwhile things are.

These are today’s musings on this topic.


Australian civil rights struggle

The Australians are going to need to treat all this as more or less literally like Southern American blacks did the Civil Rights Struggle.  They need marches, sit-ins, and passive and active disobedience in large numbers, all of them televised to the world.

Perhaps much of the world needs to boycott Australian products until their government comes back to sanity.

Jim Crow was not a small fraction as bad as what is being done to Australia, New Zealand, and I don’t know where else.  Southern blacks were never told they could not leave home, or work.  They were never forced to wear masks.  They did on occasion unwittingly and in some cases involuntarily take part in medical experiments, but never on the scale being proposed in Australia.

I find it impossible every day both to comprehend the scale and scope of this crime, and to convey it.

THIS IS THE LARGEST CRIME EVER PERPETRATED IN HUMAN HISTORY, outside of war, and few wars would approach it even then.  Only the First and Second World Wars.

If you consider that every untreated person who dies of COVID is a victim of this Invisible War, then the casualties are in the millions globally.  The WHO shows nearly 5 million deaths “from” COVID.  A good number of those are normal deaths that should not be added.  But AT LEAST a MILLION of those died because their doctor just stood there and watched them turn blue, for all intents and purposes.

And the WHO COVID dashboard does not list suicides from all this, drug overdoses, severe depression, panic disorders, homicides, deaths from starvation, severe hunger, severe poverty, domestic abuse of all sorts, lost educational years, lost LIFE years, and the overall haze of fear that has fallen darkly on so much of the world.

Just say no.  Just say no.  No more.  Enough is enough.

And this IS a war, and wars cause pain and death.  Those will be the price of climbing out of this hole.

If you do nothing else to fight this fight, share those two videos I posted earlier.  If you post Covidland, you will get fact checked, so you may note in the initial post the following:

The Facebook fact check is accurate in that the amateur journalists did not enter the Emergency Rooms, but they fail to mention the Tik-Tok videos from bored and obviously underworked health care staff, the added capacity that was built and never used, and the fact that many thousands of healthcare workers were fired or furloughed, in the middle of this ostensibly major pandemic.  The pattern is obvious enough, and really undeniable.

With respect to how deaths were counted, they had the CDC itself outlining the guidelines, and there is zero reason to think those guidelines were not followed by most of the country.

Should our eyebrows not go up, hearing that the average age of death purportedly FROM COVID was the average age at which the average American dies of SOMETHING?

As I have said before, I think for most of the past 18 months, literally every death was first added to the COVID column, and then only retroactively deleted, if no good enough excuse could be found to keep it there.  Our COVID count could have been over 2 million.  It should have been under 100,000, in my opinion.

And the fact check fails to note that ANTHONY FAUCI HIMSELF said that PCR tests with over 33 cycles were clinically useless.  This is very significant, in that the normal cycles used were in the 38-45 range, which could find fragments of a cold you had when you were 5 years old.

And of course they have nothing to say about all the people who died horribly lonely deaths for no defensible reason.

I have no idea if there is hope in all this.  I only know that persistence is one of my dominant values.  Believe in effort.  Believe in vision.  Believe that if you struggle each day to be the best version of yourself, that good things could happen.

If I might quote the great American poet Jon Bon Jovi, “live for the fight, when that’s all that you got.”


Todays Cri de Couer

I wanted to repost the Peter McCullough talk here, and the Covidland documentary here, because I really, really think these need to be shared widely. PLEASE take the time to watch them. You can listen while you drive, or work out with ear buds.
And I would like to make some basic comments on what has been done to us, as narrated particularly by McCullough. You have not heard it put like this, in all likelihood.
HCQ has been used off label for decades. It is given to people with Lupus and Arthritis for many years. This is not an official use: it is merely one chosen by doctors in treating their patients, using their clinical experience, and one they continue to choose despite being aware that heart arrhythmias are one possible side effect.
During this “pandemic”–and most of this damned thing is made up, using both inflated death numbers and inflated case numbers–DOCTORS NEVER STOPPED GIVING HCQ TO THEIR PATIENTS.
My cousin, for example, has Lupus. His prescriptions, and his filling his prescriptions, never stopped. Ever.
What happened was that various medical boards, for utterly inexplicable and ultimately horrifically indefensible reasons, told doctors they could use HCQ off label for everything BUT COVID-19. Lupus: fine. Arthritis: Fine. Anything else: fine. But not for the one thing shutting down the damned world.
Same with Ivermectin. It is a good treatment for scabies. Scabies is still sometimes seen in the United States. You walk into any doctors office, they see what you got, then write a scrip for Ivermectin. Your pharmacy fills it. Simple.
But if you have COVID-19, your doctor has been told he might lose his license if he writes a scrip for Ivermectin, so he tells you to go home and wait until you get well, or get really sick to the point where you will likely die, particularly if your hospital chooses to put you on a ventilator, which earns them a lot of extra money, and which will kill you in nearly all cases.
For all intents and purposes, the system has rendered nearly all doctors impotent.  Those brave ones who refused to bend to the irrational, tyrannical, and utterly unprecedented attacks on their professional judgement have been punished.  Despite a sterling record, McCullough lost his appointment at Baylor.
FOR TREATING COVID.  Let that sink in.  Give it as much time as it takes to make your head hurt and your heart ache.
As he says, about 500 doctors out of a million or more (in the United States, I assume) have done the right thing, professional consequences be damned.  The rest are fucking goats, and I don’t mean greatest of all time.
As he said, most doctors, who WATCHED THEIR PATIENTS DIE WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING, can’t look him in the eye.
And to be perfectly clear, it was the SYSTEM that put them in that position.  State medical boards. The AMA.  That is where the ultimate blame rests.
But we should be seeing vastly more public pushback from the doctors of the world.  Most of them have to have figured out this is an engineered disaster, because they have been looking at it up close.
This whole thing is fucking nuts, particularly once you factor in the dangers of the experimental jabs. There is no other way to look at it. As McCullough notes, some 60% of the medicines cardiologists like him use are used off label. The system simply allows doctors to exercise clinical judgement.
But, uniquely, not with COVID. In what became the biggest public health crisis in global history because IT WAS NOT TREATED, in the time when maximal flexibility and judgement and innovation was needed, IT WAS BANNED.
This whole thing was a flu season, with a particularly nasty bug that punished ruthlessly Vitamin D deficiency, and poor overall health. Nothing more.
For that Australia has been turned back into a penal colony. People are wearing pointless masks. Billions of people are participating in a medical experiment that is ending in death and disability for a distressingly large number of them, and which may yet cause many problems for many more in years to come. All without preventing either infection or the ability to spread the virus, and only lasting perhaps 6 months, unlike natural immunity which lasts at least a year or more.
It is jaw dropping, once you get it. Monstrous. Horrific. Look at what we are doing to our kids. Look at the terror we have injected into so much of the population. Look at all the pointless, painful, and lonely deaths that have been inflicted on hundreds of thousands of people just in this country. Globally, it is absolutely unfathomable.

Just say no

to experimental drugs.

This is your brain.  This is your brain following a bad reaction to synthetic spike proteins.


Time for hard body blows

Between this

and this

we have the ammo we need to start delivering some hard shots to the liver of this global monster.  We need to start getting FACTS out.

And here are a few things we know that Anthony Fauci knew:

One: The NIH had funded gain of function research–quite possibly illegally–and may well have paid to have SARS-CoV-2 developed.  He lied about it to Congress, and his boss just found it expedient to resign over this fact.

Two: That changing the method of reporting from died FROM COVID to died WITH COVID would vastly increase the number of apparent deaths.  The CDC did this, but there can be no doubt he understood that would be the effect.

Three: That masks don’t work.  He not only said that in March of 2020, but a year before in an interview before the pandemic, where he summarized medical common sense as it existed until he shattered it in April or so of 2020.  There are actually two interviews:

60 Minutes:

And Bloomberg:

Four: That PCR tests with cycle counts above 33 are useless diagnostically and should not be used as such.  Fauci said this, as quoted in Covidland.  Despite this, the typical range has apparently been 38-45 or so, which could probably find evidence of ovums in male DNA.

I will note that the inventor of the PCR test, Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis, said they should not be used diagnostically AT ALL, as I understood him.  He also really, really disliked and felt contempt for Anthony Fauci, and said so.  That interview is included in Covidland.

Five: that any new medical treatment with 50 or more unexplained deaths should be stopped.  As Peter McCullough discusses, in the Swine Flu of the 1970’s, a vaccine was introduced, and given to about 50 million people.  After 50 unexplained deaths, and 400 cases of Guillaume-Barre syndrome, they stopped it.

And these spike protein injections, on all accounts, have unexplained deaths in the THOUSANDS.  He covers the specifics well in his talk.

This article is worth reading:

The political parallels are pretty interesting.  But Fauci UNQUESTIONABLY would have known about this.

Six: that Chloroquine was effective in vitro with SARS-CoV (1).  This was shown 15 years ago or so.

Here is that link:

That is all I have time for now.  But the net is that Fauci has presided over lies about the extent of COVID infection and death, lies about effective remedies, and now lies about the vaccines.  He has prevented the emergence of ANY effective treatment protocol, at least before severe symptoms make bad outcomes exponentially more likely, and he has done so after arguably funding the CREATION of this virus and then lying about it to Congress.

This specific motherfucker needs to start feeling vastly more heat, and so too do all the letter agencies around him lying their fucking asses off.  Hard liver shots.  If you’ve felt one, you know.

Share those videos.  Share facts.  Don’t let up.  Don’t let them even begin to get away with this global crime, this global act of mass murder, this psychological terrorism and torture.

It may not be affecting you personally much, today.  But if you are wearing a fucking mask you have been brainwashed, and if you are being forced to wear one you are being tyrannized.

And as Peter McCullough argues using a wealth of good data, THERE IS NO REASON FOR ANYONE TO TAKE THIS SPIKE PROTEIN JAB.  The best that can be said is that it may not hurt you, and may make treating COVID, if you get it, a bit easier.  But it may also kill you, or cause permanent disability that you WOULD NOT GET WITH COVID, if you are a normal person in reasonably good health under 70 or so.

It is astonishing that, as McCullough notes, perhaps 500 doctors out of a million or more have responded with thoughtfulness, care, courage, and effectiveness.  The rest of them have been complicit in mass murder, of horrific deaths inflicted by non-existent treatment on innocent people who deserved more life.

And what about the AMA and other medical groups pushing doctors into this compliance with mass murder?  How much contempt and shame should accrue to them?  They are like Nazi collaborators.  They are war criminals.  They told their doctors to DO NOTHING.  Why?  I don’t have a fucking clue.  There is no justification.

As McCullough says, some 60% of the drugs cardiologists use are off label.  But in this pandemic, drugs could be used off label only for every disease BUT THE ONE THAT WAS KILLING US.

It’s madness.  Batshit insanity.  Criminal.  Psychopathic.  I run out of adjectives.  It is indefensible, and contemptible.

Personally, I think any member of any medical board who threatened a doctor trying to treat COVID–with drugs that in any other circumstance would have been fine–with losing their license, should THEMSELVES lose their licenses.  Fire the whole fucking board.  Send them packing with their fucking tails between their legs, amid catcalls and possible criminal inquiries for gross negligence and malfeasance.


Do not comply

A lot of ink has been spilled over the question of why the Jews of Europe went so peacefully, so easily, so accommodatingly, to their deaths.  They packed up their bags, got on trains, and then many of them were killed immediately.  Their own leaders gave the Nazis their names, in efforts at appeasement that invariably failed in the end.  If appeasement is feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last, then you still get eaten, don’t you?

Going along is easy, for a time.  You just do what someone says, and they don’t yell at you.  Strangers don’t yell at you.  Your friends don’t yell at you.

But the demands keep coming.  They get more and more difficult to abide by, and at some point you say “That’s enough”.  Well, the chances are good that, at that point, it is far too late.  Your chance was at the first violations of the law and principle, not the last.

Systems have logics, and if we permit our system, our government, to make irrational and illegal demands on our freedom, then THEY WILL KEEP DOING IT.  It never gets better.  You cannot conform your way to safety.  You just become a perfect little pet.

I think what the Southwest and American and I think other pilots and staff are doing is fantastic.  Maybe they can be our Solidarity, to get some sanity back into the world.  Because the world has lost its fucking mind.

Bidens approval numbers are in freefall.  Even lifelong Democrats are starting to ask questions.  At some point his handlers have to conclude that they need to stop the bleeding, and withdraw this idiotic and illegal spike protein jab mandate.

And personally, I see no reason that individuals who suffer vaccine injuries should not be able to sue the governments who demanded them.  I don’t know where that money comes from, but the principle is there.

We just don’t know what these things will do over the next 5-10 years.  Demanding them is unconscionable.