
One more thing

Why can’t we combine early treatment with the jabs?  Why not both?

I really feel like all of our brains have been fried like eggs, even those of us to whom it was obvious from the get-go this was a concocted global crime.

How did we abandon ANY effort at prophylaxis and immediate treatment?  What research has been allowed says that ANY treatment seems to improve outcomes.  Aspirin.  Vitamin D.  Intravenous C.  SOMETHING.

And why are the CDC and NIH not demanding people check their Vitamin D levels with the same intensity they are directing at mask wearing?  It breaks my heart that our kids are still being subjected to this insanity.  It’s criminal brutality.  Sadism.  Heartless.  Many somebodies deserve a swift kick in the balls.

And is anybody going to try Artemesinin?  As far as I can tell, what they sell on Amazon is the real thing, so getting that drug out would be vastly easier than HCQ or Ivermectin, if not Quercetin.  It might work better than Quercetin.  We don’t know.


Other ways to put it

What these spike protein injections are intended to do is teach the body how to infect itself.

This is more or less literally true.  It is muted by the claim that the mRNA only acts in some places and only for a really short time.  But we don’t really know that.  It’s a hunch, or a guess.  It is not the basis for infecting many billions of people with experimental nanobots, which is how I think of mRNA.

And ponder what was done with Ivermectin and HCQ.  KNOWN SAFE medicines were declared dangerous and forbidden, while known unknowns were papered over with these injections, which were loudly and generally declared PERFECTLY SAFE.

Nothing is perfectly safe.  We all know this.

They flipped it.  Do you see that?  The cheap and safe remedies were demonized and more or less kicked off the island–without any real reason for doing so ever existing at any level of policy–and the experimental stuff was substituted, despite the abject lack of data, and the impossibility of long term data.

This whole thing is mind boggling.  Every day I look at it and see bullshit and morons.  It’s not an intellectually hard place to reach: all you need to do is perform basic logical operations on known facts.  What is hard is the EMOTIONAL openness needed to fully process the scope of this criminal atrocity.

If you thought you had a friend in the government, well, you need to say good bye to that friend.  He is a lying, sadistic psychopath.



For sale:

Here is the thing: DOCTORS ARE SUPPOSED TO TREAT ILLNESSES.  That is how it is supposed to work.

How have so many bought into this idea that there is NOTHING that can be done in the early stages of COVID, and that the only way we can make it go away is participating in a global medical experiment, by taking a shot that does not even prevent us from getting COVID?

What do these shots supposedly do?  Make COVID less DANGEROUS.

But doesn’t TREATMENT do the same fucking thing?  And with TREATMENT you get natural immunity, which is BETTER than a shot.

Every day, every day, every day I look out at this world and see madness.  It’s in me, too, but I see my craziness, which means I’m better off than those who think they are nothing but rational, sober and “following the science”, when in reality they are manipulated peons in a large game being played with the lives of the people of the world.


Beautiful masculine ridiculousness

I was buying some White Claw at a local gas station when this pickup pulled up with two scooters in the bed.  From somewhere in the bed of the truck a kid crawled out who had been invisible.

I said to him “were you wearing a seat belt young man”.  He gave me a brief deer in the headlights look, then I said “I’m just messing with you.  I don’t give a fuck.”  He said “it’s all good.  I had to be back there or the scooter would have fallen out.”

These are my kind of kids.  They are doing stupid boy shit, that in some very small number of cases gets them killed, but in the 99% plus number of cases hurts no one and no thing.  And they are not living like fucking cowards.

I did crap like that all the time when I was younger.  I remember contemplating for some time jumping down the main staircase in my home, which was pretty long, probably 25 steps or so.  I thought about it and thought about it, and finally, after deciding to put a beanbag chair (remember those?) at the bottom, I did it.

I sprained my ankle.  What I failed to consider was that the crap in the beanbag chair was distributed unevenly, so one ankle took the brunt of the impact.

Now, that stunt had been a practice for jumping off the roof.  After I limped around a bit for a month or two, I gave that idea up.

Why would you jump down a staircase, you may ask?  Why the fuck not, I would ask?  It’s cool.  It’s a good story.  I just wanted to see if I could do it.  And I did.  And I learned something.

A pretty high percentage of both the good and the bad interesting things done on Planet Earth are done by boys and men acting under some degree of testosterone.

To me, I see these neutered kids, these Soy Boys, and I just don’t see much LIFE in them.  They are unlikely to hurt anyone, but they are also unlikely to do much with their lives but whatever they are told to do.  That’s not right.  That’s not how this whole man thing is supposed to work.

Every year, it seems like the Karen’s of the world are doing their level best to remove all the fun, all the risk, and all the spontaneity from the world.  Yes, this is all part of a more or less literally demonic activity oriented around enslaving the world, but even the steps we can see in the direction of the plan we can’t, are something we need to object to.

Kids need to be able to do stupid shit.  So do men.  So do women, in increasing numbers.

And take this mask thing: you need people who don’t wear them for long periods of time, who can honestly report nothing bad happened.  No one they knew got seriously ill, and neither did they.  Same with circulating in general.  Personally, I NEVER STOPPED WORKING with groups of people, none of whom were wearing masks.  I never stopped hanging out in bars where no one was wearing masks.

And now, when I see people expressing fear, I wonder why.  I have been past this shit for a year or more.  But I went out there to see what would happen.  Nothing happened.  Columbus did not sail off the edge of the Earth, and Chuck Yeager–broken arm and all–proved that nothing bad happens when you break the sound barrier.

The world needs men.  And women need men.  They may pretend otherwise, but they feel a lot of doubt and uncertainty when they are with men who may just choose to hide behind THEM if the shit goes down.

The path of wisdom and goodness is always gradual improvement, never eradication, or radical hate.


Trump social media

Tech billionaires become billionaires because there is a lot of MONEY in tech, particularly if you can go public.

Donald Trump could make more in a week with his new project than he has made in most of the rest of his career.

And in the same sense that Michael Bloomberg felt no shame using his newspaper to push his (failed) candidacy, there is no reason Donald Trump could not leverage his platform in his bid for reelection, if our democracy (whatever is left of it) lasts that long.

What is certain is that there is a huge untapped market out there.

And my two cents with regard to whatever Facebook facsimile he creates, that he keep the convention of using real names.  It is much easier finding people that way, if they are a couple degrees of separation away.


Educational monopolies

It occurred to me that most public school systems exist, for all intents and purposes, as government sponsored monopolies.  Yes, the rich and those who can get scholarships can shop alternatives, in the form of private schools, but not most people.

And what do you expect from protected monopolies?  Poor quality and high prices.  And is that not exactly what we are seeing?  America spends vastly more per capita than most of the world, and despite that, our average testing scores have actually gone DOWN, in the past 50 years or so I recall reading somewhere.  The Department of Education has done literally nothing measurable, at least where K-12 is concerned.

School choice is about empowering average and poor people to break the monopoly.  And obviously the monopolists hate the idea.

But I really really think we need to start calling all opponents of School Choice racists and bigots and accusing them of wanting black folks to fail.  This is more or less literally true in my view, but it is also a good corrective to the ubiquitous and disingenuous use of those words on a daily basis by the Left.  If we start landing some shots by making factually true claims of racism as concerns them, that might change the landscape.  It may force them into another tactical lie, which would amount to a withdrawal or even retreat.  We need to deny them the words that have any effectiveness.

If rhetorical wars have landscapes, I suppose the generally received meaning of a word–like Justice–is one of the sorts of hills for which both sides are fighting.  There can be attack, but there can also be counter attack.  The surest way to lose is to accept defeat before it is actually inflicted on you.  And there are very few victors in any difficult contest who to do not learn the arts of persistence and tenacity and faith.


A thought on decadent cruelty

Maybe Calhoun’s rat utopia

(sorry for formatting) mostly applies to the RICH. They have plenty of food, every existent amusement, and time, as much of it as they want.

Here is an interesting idea, which I will take a moment to introduce.

Addiction is driven by dopamine, or seems to be. And what we think we know about our brains is they like balance. Homeostasis. If you get too much pleasure our brains feed us, in effect, pain.

In fact in one podcast I listened to last week a Stanford Professor suggested periodically doing things we fear or find unpleasant, in order to increase dopamine sensitivity. This, all from a purely neurological, hormonal, biochemical perspective.

Could people who have everything, who have danger, no problems, no accidents, no unrxprcted unpleasantness of any sort not come to PREFER pain? If you live in a world saturated with dopamine, coukd there not be a major opposing reaction?

And I have often called sadism “outsourced pain”. Here is my idea: sadists HURT WITH THEIR VICTIMS. They have not turned off their natural human instincts of kindness and empathy.

But this pain, besides making sadism and masochism inseparable, acts to reset dopamine in precisely the way true life challenges would.

Having no challenges and no difficulties, on this reading, would then intrinsically lead to cruelty.

We need to have problems to be happy. And EVERYTHING that happens can be used as a tool for growth.


Living in fear

I wake up every morning having to say to myself “I have not failed.  I have not failed.”

And this applies whether I get up at 4:15am, as I sometimes do, and if I get up at 9am as I (rarely) sometimes do.  It applies if I had a productive day the day before, or if I didn’t do shit but sleep off a hangover and watch a couple movies.

This is shame.  That is what it is.  Fear, shame, and anger all go together.  If you are traumatized you can pick one and specialize in it, but they all tag team one another.  As Bessel van der Kolk put it, it’s like an alarm you can’t turn off.  You just get to choose what sound it makes, which is to say which emanating element you choose to most focus on and empower to rule your life.

Now that I put it that way, might one assume that the thirst for authoritarianism that we are seeing is quite pervasive in America and elsewhere is related to a desire to live in permanent fear and shame, rather than face uncontrollable anger?  If true, one would predict continual rage to also be present in those wanting to be told what to do.  And of course, that IS what we see.

And I was thinking about this the other day: being confronted with true emotional coldness is an assault of sorts, and most of us live with this coldness everywhere.  Friendships are shallow.  Parents are detached.  The media we are addicted to is no more nourishing to the soul than Doritos are the body.

I propose most Americans, and many Europeans and others, are traumatized by alienating indifference.  They don’t know how to feel or name their own emotions, and thus they fail to connect with others as well.  This constitutes a sort of trauma, which does in fact lead to alterations in the limbic system.  It leads to rage, shame, and fear.

And don’t we see much of that in our popular culture?  The Squid game was equally suicide and homicide game.  And it was both game and deadly serious.  It was, I assume, fascinating in the way that a violent car wreck is, or a dead body seen anywhere.  We don’t see death.  We don’t see the realities of life.  We don’t express our violence directly.  There are no knife fights in the United States the way there stereotypically are in some Latin American nations.  We hold it in.  We soldier on in silence and solitude.  All that has consequences.

You work all day, doing work you don’t really want to do, working for an overpaid idiot, and having to fight traffic both ways.  And you want to see someone suffer and die when you get home.  And you can.  In endless variety.  But the effect is never lasting.  It never was even when human beings still sacrificed one another.

And here is the question that started this post, that led in unplanned directions: what sort of life do you live if you live in fear?

What I would propose is that a life lived in fear is no life at all.  All people, when they are afraid, are alike.  They are the same.  All nuance is gone.  All particularity of personality, all idiosyncrasy, everything that makes a person interesting, vivid, and memorable, disappears.

Maybe this is the link with masks and anonymity in our images of cult rites: everyone lives in fear, and thus they all have the same faces.  They are merely recognizing this in outward symbolism.

A sacrificial rite is merely an enactment socially of a violence everyone in that society feels inwardly.  Rather than a war of all against all (and yes, there is a whiff of Rene Girard in there), a victim is chosen, the sins of the collective attributed to it, and then it is murdered.

But this is inherently an imbalance.  This is trauma, spread widely, and unmanaged.  It is a patched together solution which barely meets the need, and is in most cases unstable.

What is the opposite of sacrifice?  Community.  True community consisting of individuated individuals, who are all capable of meeting their own emotional needs, and balancing their own personalities in ways which transcend any thirst for or need of violence.

Leftwing ideology is inherently a sacrificial culture.  It is cruel by design, not flaw.  It is the creed of the “faceless because they live in fear”.

I think there are some interesting ideas here.  I repeat myself often, and I repeat myself often, but slowly I learn better ways of putting things, and slightly better frames with which to see what I am looking at.


Alinsky in the lab

You know, it is ODD, when you back away from the hysteria for a moment, to notice that we have had a pandemic of a supposedly dangerous disease for 19 months–the response to which has traumatized billions of people and immiserated at least hundreds of millions through a return to severe poverty–and WE STILL DON’T HAVE A TREATMENT.

None.  You get sick, get diagnosed with COVID, what happens?  NOT A FUCKING THING.  Nothing.  If you have a good doctor they may tell you to take Vitamin D and Zinc, but they are prohibited from nearly everything else.  Only when they have watched the disease grow and multiply and get worse in every way–from a safe distance of course–might you be admitted to a hospital, where they ALSO don’t have any really good options, although things like steroids and monoclonal antibodies do get put on the table.

Some good doctors may offer them earlier, in which case the hospital can offer nothing but IV’s with vitamins, Remdesvir–which does not help all the much–and distanced attention.  And the occasional death machine.

It is not that HCQ was DELAYED as a treatment.  It is not that honest people thought “well, we need to study this more”, and then studied it.  The NIH did not do that.  The CDC did not do that.  The WHO did not do that.  There are no reported studies I have seen.  None funded.  None planned.  All that is being done overseas, by and large.

What they did is say DO NOT USE HCQ.  DO NOT USE IVERMECTIN.

Did they have five years of data on the use of HCQ for COVID?  Of course not.  The faked Surgisphere study supposedly provided something like that, but IT WAS ALL LIES.  This came out early.  Why were the recommendations not altered to reflect that reality?  It’s mind boggling, how fucking stupid so many people have been to buy all this.

Why not HCQ and Ivermectin?  The average doctor prescribes something off label every day.  They never stopped prescribing HCQ for Lupus and Arthritis, despite those being the populations where heart arrhythmias were a known potential issue.

Let me underscore that: Fauci said don’t use HCQ for COVID because it causes heart arrhythmias, but never told doctors to not use HCQ for the very populations where that was a known risk factor.  In fact, the CDC explicitly said they could continue using HCQ for Lupus and Arthritis.  This is madness.

Ivermectin is used for scabies, in this country.

Here is the thing: the same doctor, in the same town, with the same patient, could prescribe HCQ for the off label use of Lupus and the pharmacy would fill it.  If he or she prescribed it for the off label use of COVID, the pharmacy would not fill it.  So Peter McCullough reports in his talk on Therapeutic Nihilism.

Is this not insanity, given how thoroughly the responses to COVID have wrecked (and ended) so many lives?

Doctors are not even particularly TRAINED in drugs, strangely enough.  They are in large measure taught by pharmaceutical reps, pharmacists, and trial and error on their own.  This is the story, at least, as told to me by a pharmacist, who had fielded a lot of questions from doctors.

Somehow, through a strange process of induced mass psychosis, we have been taught to view people who are unvaccinated as the problem, rather than the LACK OF TREATMENT; or, perhaps better put, the SUPPRESSION OF EFFECTIVE TREATMENT.

Before polio vaccines, do you not think doctors did everything they could to treat it?  Measles, Rubella, Smallpox?  Of COURSE.  They just in most cases lacked good remedies.  Antibiotics had not been discovered and there were no simple fixes.  That made effective and safe vaccines, which conferred full immunity, Godsends.

On a large number of individual accounts, with the plural of personal testimony delivered by qualified people being, obviously, empirical data, WE HAVE GOOD TREATMENTS.

This is not polio.  It is not smallpox.  Yet we are treating it as if it is, as if there is nothing we can do.

It’s very much like the Infrastructure Bill.  We don’t need infrastructure.  We don’t lack infrastructure.  Problems with infrastructure are very far from being in the top twenty of our most pressing problems.

The Infrastructure Bill is using a LANGUAGE people recognize to cover up the REALITY of a mass bribe with taxpayer money to Democrat affiliated donors and activist groups.  They may have a $100 million in there for all BLM chapters outside New York.

Likewise, smallpox only really diminished once we had a mass vaccination program in place.  This is the history, and the propagandists are invoking that memory as if it still applied equally today.

But COVID is not Smallpox.  Not even remotely close.  Smallpox killed about a third of the people who got it.  COVID, even if no other measures are taken, only kills about 20 people in a thousand who get it, and most of those people were dying slowly of something else.

With TREATMENT, as the Indians and others are showing, even in the dirt floor poor death rates are very near zero.

And so it occurs to me that in my daily discussions with the zealots, the TONE and METHOD remind me a lot of the political tones and methods counseled by that disciple of Lucifer Saul Alinsky.

Specifically, are they not polarizing people by dividing them into Us and Them, “vaccinated” and unvaccinated, and then personalizing the narrative, such that the Them is subjected to continual, ruthless and very mean attacks, both linguistically and legally?

“Science as a continuation of politics by another means”, the Clausewitz reference intended?

Perverted science inflicted as a means of social warfare?

I think that is accurate.

Every day I see people who see themselves as “progressive” and “compassionate” failing to grasp any of this.  And that is not the biggest problem: they are not TRYING to grasp it.  They are not trying to learn, despite the fact that the science of all this is vastly simpler than, say, the economics of large complex societies.

It’s really not hard: treat the disease as well as possible–which could be done immediately by taking the choke collars off our medical professionals–and offer the vaccines as an added booster for those who want it.  Actually open societies the world over NOW, and fact finding commissions appointed in all societies which want to deserve to be called fair, liberal, and humanitarian.

This whole thing is a monstrosity that never should have happened.  Outside of the first 2-3 weeks none of this has ever been defensible.  I never thought it possible any of this would last into the SUMMER, much less be continuing a FUCKING YEAR LATER.  Inconceivable.  Impossible.  Ludicrous.  People are not that stupid, I thought.

But here we are.  And some places like Australia got exponentially worse, despite the fact that BEFORE COVID suicide was killing 3x as many Australians annually as they lost in their first year of COVID.



I’m pretty firmly in the camp which believes that the available evidence readily supports not just the existence of alien (to us) civilizations regularly visiting Earth, and perhaps even living here, perhaps under the oceans.  If you look at the cumulative evidence, it is considerable.

And if you look at the radioactive desert in Rajasthan, the claim that it was subjected to a nuclear weapon attack in remote antiquity is sustainable, if not to this point proven.

Here is the first link that comes up:

In any event, I was doing my daily work the other day, and the word Jamshid kept popping in my head.  Jamshid, Jamshid, Jamshid.  Finally I looked it up.

He was a purportedly mythological king mentioned in the Iranian national epic the Shahnama, by Ferdowsi.

The whole thing is an interesting read:

But they describe the creation of a bunker to protect from a “winter”:

Yima [Jamshid] attends with a group of “the best of mortals”, where Ahura Mazda warns him of an upcoming catastrophe: “O fair Yima, son of Vivaŋhat! Upon the material world the evil winters are about to fall, that shall bring the fierce, deadly frost; upon the material world the evil winters are about to fall, that shall make snow-flakes fall thick, even an arədvi deep on the highest tops of mountains.”


The Vedivdad mentions that Ahura Mazda warns Yima that there will come a harsh winter storm followed by melted snow.[8] Ahura Mazda advises Yima to construct a Vara (Avestan: enclosure) in the form of a multi-level cavern, two miles (3 km) long and two miles (3 km) wide. This he is to populate with the fittest of men and women; and with two of every animal, bird and plant; and supply with food and water gathered the previous summer. Yima creates the Vara by crushing the earth with a stamp of his foot, and kneading it into shape as a potter does clay. He creates streets and buildings, and brings nearly two thousand people to live therein. He creates artificial light, and finally seals the Vara with a golden ring.

I’m not going to speculate too hard, but it is interesting.  Fodder there for that subset of conspiracy historians dealing with these sorts of things.

I will simply say that sounds like a nuclear bunker, protecting from radioactive fallout, and perhaps a nuclear winter.

It also sounds like the Ark.  I won’t attempt to determine here which story is most likely older.

If you look at children, they often tell the truth, but in ways which make it hard for many of us to understand just what they are talking about.  There is no reason to think civilizations are not the same.