

I was going to work today, but decided to stay home and watch the rain.  I’ve structured my life in such a way that that sort of thing is not difficult.

What follows will most likely be a bit of a stream of consciousness.  Do with it what you will.

I was looking at trees reflected in the rainwater on the street, and realized that the reflection extends a considerable amount in both directions.  The “reflection” depends entirely on where you are standing, and it might make an interesting art project to photograph a reflection from a hundred slightly different angles and compile them.  It has likely been done, but that may be an idea for someone.

Then it occurred to me that a shadow is really the emergent property of light interacting with something solid.  Psychically, this would be something relative fixed, “solid”, unmoving, unflowing within us. We dissolve shadows through flow, through acceptance, through presence, through allowing.

Then I got to thinking again what it would be like to KNOW we are infinite.  Imagine beings who mostly exist in another dimension, but who once had lives and physical extent on some planet far away.

Imagine KNOWING you are going to live forever.  What do you do?  Would not amnesia perhaps be one of the first things you invent?  I don’t know what it is like to live in bliss, which many mystics tell us is the true nature of Reality–Sat in Sanskrit–but perhaps as an individual, as a discrete particle of an emanating God, various ideas occur, one of which might be to have all sorts of experiences.

Doris Lessing, in her book Shikasta, describes and Earth which is populated by happy humans directed in various ways by benevolent aliens who mainly exist in another dimension, who have mastered the spiritual arts.  At a certain point it all crashes down.  In the narrative, as I recall it (and I read this book 30 years ago and probably need to reread it), the alignment of stars change in such a way that the world is broken, which is the meaning of “Shikasta” in the text.  A malevolent alien species achieves relative dominance, and pushes everything and everyone towards conflict and pain.

Here is an idea: what if the benevolent aliens ALLOWED this to happen, just to see how it all plays out?  As in infinite being, short term pain–which can’t last on this Earth more than 100 years or so at most–is not a large problem.

What if the Earth exists as a place INTENDED on some level as a sort of Purgatory, not as punishment, but for interesting and diverse experiences?  What does it feel like to torture someone?  To be tortured?  This is a place where everything is possible, but time delimited.  It all ends, and from a perspective of millions of years, in the blink of an eye.

What if being human is, to an infinite being, much like taking a hallucinogenic drug?  You identify fully with the experience, you inhabit it, but then it ends?

My own views are tending somewhat in this direction.  Fully a hundred years ago (and a bit more) William James proposed that our physical brains are a sort of radio, which receives transmissions from elsewhere.  If you get brain damage, the radio is damaged, but the signal remains intact we don’t really know where, or how, or what that means.  But it helped him explain both his own considerable knowledge about medicine and the behavioral and perceptual effects of neurological damage and his experiences with mediums who were doing things he could not explain either as fraud, or using any of the conventional cognitive tools of reductive materialistic science.

Our advances in physical science have made us arrogant in many ways.  We are like children playing with dangerous toys we don’t really understand, not least because we do not understand ourselves, and what we really are.

Nothing in our physics prevents any of this.  As Werner Heisenberg–who was much smarter than just about anyone who COULD be reading this–commented “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”

There are some more very good quotes here:

One more: “Where no guiding ideals are left to point the way, the scale of values disappears and with it the meaning of our deeds and sufferings, and at the end can lie only negation and despair. Religion is therefore the foundation of ethics, and ethics the presupposition of life.”

I would comment that I might not use the word “religion”, but truly advanced HUMAN science, which understands our deep reality, and the nature of human embodiment and places [sic] in the universe.


Warranted Paranoia

As horrific as the Orwellian darkness is that has fallen on Australia–where we are seeing Orwell updated to modern technology, which makes everything vastly worse, and which would easily have prevented Winston Smith from ever meeting his woman ONCE–I think it important to point out this may just be a TRIAL.  This may be something the people running this pandemic–and somebody plainly is–want rolled out globally.

You might reasonably say “that’s impossible”.  But how is it happening NOW, today, at this moment, in Australia?  How is the COVID tyranny happening AT ALL?  It kills maybe 1 or 2 people in a thousand, a third of us seem to have natural immunity, natural immunity plainly works better than highly targeted spike protein injections, and we know how to reduce mortality with vitamin and mineral supplementation.

And with regard to Ivermectin specifically, I will make several points.

One, it is completely safe.  We KNOW this from 30 years of use, with many billions of doses given in the developing world and everywhere the water is not clean.  It is an anti-parasitic that was developed for animals but repurposed for humans, and in widespread use in the poor world for  “head licescabiesriver blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasistrichuriasisascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis.”

These are not common illnesses in the rich world, so most people here have never taken it for anything.  But it is SAFE, and we have 30 years of data to this effect.

It can perhaps be stated honestly that it is not PROVEN to help with COVID, but over 60 studies say it does, averaging a 72% reduction in death:

And off-label use in medicines is common.  You have perhaps heard of Hydroxychloroquine?  Well, it is more or less high tech Quinine, of the sort still added to Tonic Water, and highly effective in preventing malaria.  But in the UNITED STATES it is mainly prescribed for lupus and arthritis.  Off label.

Why does it work for Lupus and arthritis?  We probably have good guesses, but we probably don’t really know.  In SCIENCE, of the real sort, patterns of correlation are often noticed first, and only afterwards explained.  It didn’t matter WHY penicillin–which was discovered more or less by accident–worked.  It was sufficient that it DID.

So to say Ivermectin is dangerous is a lie, and to pretend medicines are not continually and routinely prescribed off label is also a lie.

WE CURRENTLY HAVE NO GOOD EARLY TREATMENT PROTOCOLS FOR COVID.  If you get infected. or get exposed, in pretty much all of the rich world nothing will happen until you get bad enough to wind up in the hospital.

So we have something 1) Safe; and 2) LIKELY effective when given early.  So why is Australia going full Oceania?

And there is more: Ivermectin is on the WHO’s list of “Essential Medicines”, AND the 2015 Nobel Prize went in part to the Japanese scientist who DISCOVERED IVERMECTIN:

Look around you.  You NEED a conspiracy theory to explain all this.  Ivermectin is not “horse medicine”.  What has happened is that Big Pharma–and presumably the REAL ring leaders of all this–have talked the governments of the rich world into banning it, so desperate people, who don’t trust a medical system WHICH HAS NO TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR EARLY STAGE COVID of any demonstrated efficacy, are buying the veterinary versions.  GOVERNMENT CREATED THIS PROBLEM.

And here is the kicker: in the United States at least, all these spike protein injections would be ILLEGAL if it were admitted that Ivermectin works.  Keeping it marginalized is worth literally hundreds of billions of dollars to the spike protein injection manufacturers.

WE ARE BEING LIED TO.  Who is behind it all?  Take your pick.  Lots of psychopaths out there.

But consider this: if COVID does what Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier is claiming it may then we may be breeding a superbug, which actually IS dangerous.  Look at what has been done using a very, very low amount of death in Australia.  That  could easily be done here with something truly dangerous.

And the people running this thing, if they don’t get the outcome they seemingly want out of Antibody Dependent Enhancement, COULD RELEASE ANOTHER VIRUS.

As I keep saying, none of this should be possible.  The science isn’t there.  Smart people KNOW BETTER.  Trained scientists should be looking at all this and screaming BULLSHIT.

But it is happening.  That means much worse is possible.


At the bottom of trauma

is grief.  Sadness.  And sadness, being a human emotion, is something I can deal with.  It is a welcome relief.

As I think about it, I think I posted something like this a few months ago.  I go in cycles.  Circles.  But the loops are getting larger, and the motion is slowly moving upwards.

I realized yesterday I have stopped shaking at night.  This is a huge advance for me.

And I can have two beers at a bar then go home and sleep.  This is a new development.  Historically, I always picked up a six pack on the way home and drank it.  Or two bottles of wine: one Cabernet, and a bottle of Port.  And yes, I would drink all of both.  I have a very robust constitution, and I don’t get hangovers.  I get fuzzy the next day, though, as you may imagine.

And I am realizing alcohol is like a friend I used to need to see often, to comfort me, but who is feeling more distant now.

These are all strongly positive developments that have taken a LOT of work.  I can say with reasonable confidence very, very few people would have been willing to go through what I have gone through just to get this far.



Most often, I see people speculate about the immense possibilities alien technology might open to us.  Infinite power.  The ability to travel between stars.

But it has ALWAYS seemed to me that more technology is not really our most pressing issue.  We have the ability NOW to provide for every human being on the planet.  We have the technology NOW to create comfort and security for every human being on the planet.

What is of vastly more interest to me is the CULTURE of alien civilizations: their “religion”, if advanced races have such a thing, and more important how they have made peace among themselves, how they have integrated their technology into their lives, if they have done it harmoniously.

Better CULTURAL ideas are what we really need.

After putting it off for many years, I have finally started reading Tarthang Tulku’s first major book in English, “Time, Space and Knowledge.”

He writes this in the Preface:

The emphasis on reaching an understanding of reality and solving material problems through science and technology has had such impressive and useful results that most of the world has started to follow suit.  But in doing so, many cultures are now abandoning their heritages–although these latter often include insights which are necessary for a balanced perspective in living, and even necessary for the success of the scientific solutions to life’s problems.  The highly developed industrial nations have led the world in adopting this path (to the exclusion of other approaches); we should now consciously consider our responsibilities to restore a balance, an integration of material advances with the deeper values of humanity.  And when there is a balance of the two ways of thinking, technology can be utilized as a very valuable and creative force.

To my mind, most of the morality in the world–I can’t even really use the word spirituality, since where the word still exists it often feels shallow and weak to me–is in effect a different level of Consumerism, which is what most Americans, in any event, view as the TRULY sacred.

The dominant cultural conflict in our country at present is between Christians (and Jews and Muslims, and other people of faith and tradition), and people who have bought into a prefabricated, artificial, plastic mode of being and emoting.  If you join what I have often called the cult, you get–you are empowered to consume–simple ideas of moral superiority, and superficial social belonging.

But what might be called Thing-ness, as a synonym for Consumerism, is a very, very weak basis for a social order.  It teaches that everything should be easy, even morality, even spirituality.  The fact that this is not true is responsible for most of the frustration, depression, anxiety, anger and conflict in our present era.

It is easy to generalize the Amazon ethos to life in general.  All problems are supposed to be simple.  People are supposed to be simple.  Point and click and you get a complete worldview, with everything you need.

Is it not accurate to say that viewing people in categories is really just a form of laziness?  Is it not a direct result of the belief that life is supposed to be easy, and everything provided with very little effort?

There is no shortage of solid spiritual work out there, no shortage of deep, insightful thinkers who have much that is useful and practical. There are many books out there–obviously I am a partisan of Tarthang Tulku’s work, but he not the only smart one out there providing solid and wise templates–upon which we could easily base a much better civilization. What is lacking is people who feel the lack sufficiently to step back from their lives and do something HARD, that take daily work across many years.

I was watching a retrospective on Esalen a few years ago, and the old-timers, the old hippies, said that what really made a difference for them was meditation.  Daily spiritual work.  Not drugs.

Now, I may try Ayahuasca at some point.  It seems to be a useful tool.  But ONLY to complement my daily practice.  Only to, hopefully, open up some pathways, to open some gates I have been pounding on for many years, and which I will then seek to integrate in my daily practice on my mat.

We live in a time of such POSSIBILITY.  So much good is possible right now.  Global peace is possible.  Global prosperity is possible.  But not when we are lazy, when we are running around all day like lunatics, and not when we depend on conflict for psychological stability.


We are screwing this up, more data

Sweden has reportedly banned travelers from one of the most vaccinated countries in the world.

Here is the thing: Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier has been warning about this for over a year.  Here is one example:

Natural immunity is broad spectrum.  Here is another study from Israel:

People who were VACCINATED had an infection rate THIRTEEN times those who had had and recovered from the disease.  Natural immunity may diminish, but even after a significant period of time, it was still a five fold difference.

These spike protein injections, as I understand it, are highly specific to a particular version of the virus.  Given that viruses mutate continually, and particularly under evolutionary pressure of the sort created by a barrier in the form of specific resistance, there is every reason in the world to believe that a “vaccine” that stops one version but not another will drive the development of many variants which are not stopped by that “vaccine”.

This is why we don’t have a vaccine for the common cold, which as a group of coronaviruses is closely related to SARS-CoV-2.  This is why our flu vaccines are not reliable.

All of this is why this disease CANNOT BE ERADICATED, and why there are not enough shots in the world to provide safety that is BETTER than natural immunity, for all but the most immunocompromised, and even those people are at risk from the SHOT too.  The shot is supposed to stimulate the immune system, and if your immune system doesn’t work, the vaccine may well kill you.  Such people just need to be careful, and understand their lives are likely to be cut at least a little short.

And then add in this:

May be a Twitter screenshot of 1 person and text

All these statistics, in all likelihood, do not include the cultivation of community nutritional immunosufficiency, since to my knowledge it has not been tried anywhere, although I think in India and that region they are handing out Vitamin D and Zinc, so it is perhaps close; and presumably these statistics do not include the use of Ivermectin and HCQ, so ALL THOSE NUMBERS CAN BE REDUCED FURTHER WITH INTELLIGENT PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY.


Masks are not and never were necessary or sufficient.  Same with lockdowns.  Same with spike protein injections.  Same with substantially every policy enacted to “combat” this not very dangerous disease.

ALL OF THIS IS PURE MADNESS.  I won’t stop saying this until I see signs of sanity.



The Awful Truth

Except for a very few at the very core, almost none of the people pushing Fascism in this and other countries believe they are doing anything but furthering truth, democracy, freedom, and common sense.

It is not their morality that is perverted, mainly, but their capacity for self reflection, their emotional intelligence, and their capacity–and WILLINGNESS–to filter the truth from bullshit.


Odd, seemingly latent order

I posted on a website the data concerning Bangladesh this morning.  Bangladesh is apparently an avid adopter of Ivermectin.  I discussed Bangladesh specifically, although I think I also referenced India and Egypt.

A few hours later, UC Berkeley published an article “evaluating” mask wearing in Bangladesh, specifically.  I would hazard a guess it was paid for by the Bill and (Divorce underway) Foundation, or someone like it, since the death rate (25,000 or so reported COVID deaths in a crowded, poor, unsanitary nation of 160 million) is so low that some spin is needed to make it not stand out.

A few hours after that I MET a guy from Bangladesh at a bar, for the first time in many years.  I told him I had dealt with Bangladesh TWICE today for various reasons, and he didn’t believe me, which was reasonable.

You cannot convince me that the wind does not sometimes blow in perfect order, perfect harmony.  It is sand that is always shifting, but sometimes it belies an inner, hidden order.