
Infinite Rebels

As I say, I see visions sometimes, usually when meditating or relaxing deeply.

This morning I saw one that came out of a cluster of internal referents I should likely cover briefly.

One is a talk by David Icke on a podcast which was on YouTube (which I now cannot find, although it may only be the search algorithm which changed) which discusses the 9/11 attacks, which Icke blames on a secret cult of Sabbateans.  You will of course find no evidence for this anywhere.  That could be, obviously, because it is pure bullshit.  It would also be the effect of successful concealment.  That is the genius of conspiracy theories: the absence of evidence can BECOME evidence, if you are so inclined.  There is no evidence because your particular THEY covered it up.  QED emotionally, if not logically.

Within the talk, he talked about Reptilians, with whom he is most associated in the minds of most.  It’s such an absurd claim on the face of it, that everything he says is rejected on that basis, and I must admit with considerable justice.

But I give everyone their chance, and the reality is that, as I keep saying, we need SOME conspiracy theory to “connect the dots”, in a phrase he uses often.  So why NOT David Icke?  The one place I am SURE I will not see the full truth is all the media we have been trained to believe covers all the stories worth covering, and which do their best, we are told, to know and to share the whole unvarnished truth.  This, itself, is an obvious lie.  So you have to wander into strange places, knowing they are likely nuts, but perhaps not dishonest, and that some portion of what they have to say, however small it may be, will be useful and helpful and enlightening.  That is the hope.

In that talk–which for those with some persistence was with some podcaster with a Ph.D I think from UW-Madison, and who studied Moroccan Sufis, and converted to Islam–he claimed the elite elite, the 1 in a million, do ceremonies where dark entities actually appear.  Where they communicate with them directly.  In effect, where demons appear, which he equates with the Reptilians.  He is claiming they are a race which lives in another dimension and which feeds on human pain.

Crazy?  Maybe.  But not so different from what the church two blocks from your house teaches, and the next church 2 blocks from that.  You are surrounded by–your city is filled with–people who would accept this basic idea.  With some mild reframing, it works well.

Ponder clearly that substantially all Christian Churches teach that God created a perfect world which was corrupted by Satan in the form of a serpent, and into which pain was introduced as a result.

Further, that the only way to correct the situation was for God to send his Only Son into the world, to suffer and die as a human sacrifice, so that God could alter his perception and behavior towards His own creation.

That is the story, as I was taught it, and I attended Sunday School and the following sermon every Sunday for most of my childhood, and was often asked to attend Wednesday supplemental trainings; as well as (of course, for the people who know this world) vacation Bible school, and Christian summer camp.

Everyone is crazy, in my view.  But some forms of craziness make more sense than others.  I see my craziness, but also believe that knowing you are crazy means you are not crazy, as Lao Tzu taught a very long time ago.

Be that as it may, this image of demons feeding directly on human pain brought to mind a book called “Deeply Odd”, by Dean Koontz, where he actually portrays such a ceremony, where dark forces actually appear, in response to the intended sacrifice of children.  That book is a bit harrowing, because something like what he portrays may be possible.  Since I mistrust everyone, it made me wonder if he himself–Koontz–was connected to such people.  His mind obviously goes easily and deeply to dark places.  But that is likely a step too far.  I hope.

So anyway, in my vision, I am looking at these entities, which are infinite beings like many other infinite beings.  Like all of us, in fact.  They were rebelling against an eternal order with an eternal Law.  They did not want to be inevitable participants in a universal drama they could not control.  They did not want to accept their destiny and role.  The planets accept their destiny of circling the sun for billions of years, but they wanted a world they controlled.

So they created a cave, with the cave ceiling the limit of their perception, and the limit of what they cared about.  They created, in other words, a cage within which they lived, but within which they were also relative Gods, who gave orders, rather than received orders.

They rejected What Is, in other words, in favor of something much smaller.  They created an illusion for themselves, which they imposed on other souls.

And other souls in the universe saw this, and are gradually working to persuade them to come back home.  And the feeling tone is a bit authoritarian.  The message is one of inevitability, not freedom of behavior and decision.  So it would be understandable for them to want to create their OWN authoritarianism, one that differed from might be termed God’s Law, or The Way.

Now, to an infinite being, 20,000 years is not a long time [another image I will share that came to me a few months ago, is that there may exist beings whose time sense is so different from our own that the rotation of the Earth around the Sun looks like a fan; ponder that one a moment], and I think that is about how long they have had control.  Like all this, that is pure intuition, which is to say purely a guess.  And it may well be that there are many advantages to the world as it is today, even for more advanced beings.  Nothing is good or bad in itself.  It has everything to do with what you make of it.

But perhaps it is the destiny of these “rebels” to be brought back home.  Perhaps all of them will soon awaken from what amounts to a hypnotic trance.

And in the meantime, our own rebels–physical political rebels–are likewise destined to be returned to our cages.  The first motion is outward, the second inward.

This is pretty out there.  I get that.  But it’s my blog, my play space, and I say what I want because I can.




Riff on Alan Watts

The point of singing is not to have sung.

The point of dancing is not to have danced.

And the point of living is not to have lived.


Speaking of the ACLU

Arguing that taking away some people’s civil liberties protects everyone’s rights isn’t a new argument. It’s just the argument that the ACLU spent its entire history militantly opposing.


The ACLU tries to disguise its radical shift by wrapping it in identity politics and contending that forcing people to get vaccinated protects “the most vulnerable among us, including people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated and communities of color hit hard by the disease.”


But young black men, the group that the ACLU had claimed to be advocating for last year, are the most likely to be fired or segregated due to vaccine mandates.


The ACLU wants to protect black people by taking away their civil rights.

They were BOUGHT.  That seems the obvious conclusion.  It took a minute, but here they are now, pushing the authoritarian line, the what I think I will call the “1 in 100 million”, line.

Whores everywhere.  A whore is just someone who will do anything for money, recognition, or some other trinket or bauble.  I won’t judge actual whores in places like Venezuela or Cuba, who are just trying to put food on the table.  But selling yourself cheap in a land of plenty is truly contemptible.

That article is worth reading in its entirety.


Claims I will make

We are all separated by common dysfunctional habits.


The Left has no moral or cultural alternative to Consumerism.  Their “solution” is simply to impoverish us all involuntarily, while doing no such thing to themselves.  The impoverishment will include all but the 1% of the 1%, who seem to control most of what happens politically in the world.

The 1% propaganda meme (which originated in Canada, if memory serves, relatively recently, in or just prior to the Obama era, which is when the tension and rhetoric kicked up a few gears) in fact, was most likely ultimately created by people who–most likely without knowing it–were working for the 1% of the 1%.  Or triple or quadruple that.  The 1 in a million.  The 1 in 100 million.  Several hundred people on a planet of nearly 8 billion.

That elite has nothing to fear from anti-Capitalist rhetoric, or higher tax rates.  They won’t pay them, and in any event make huge sums of money, directly and indirectly, from the system itself.  They pay for what people say, and so are easily able to remain hidden.  The spotlights they ask to be pointed on others darken the shadows where they live.

In fact, the more time people spend shouting about the “rich”, the less visible they are.  Very few people are ABLE to grasp why rich people would pay for anti-rich rhetoric.  The simple fact is the 1% is really not that wealthy.  The people I am talking about START maybe at a billion dollars, and go up from there.  As I have said before there are most likely families, like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and Schiffs and others, who are de facto trillionaires.  Why would they advertise this?  They would put all their assets in an endless array of holding companies and fronts so no one could hope to calculate their net worth.

Such people are not affected by tax policy, and they write the laws.

They keep Republicans in the fold with the fear of war–which amounts to threats on the manhood of men who take such things seriously–and pretending they want smaller government.

Abortion is another nice wedge issue, which pushes people on both sides into political alignments they may not otherwise choose and which, since it is polarizing, suits their purposes well.  They probably paid for Roe v. Wade, which on the surface was tactically undertaken mainly by the ACLU, if memory serves.  But the ACLU is broken, is it not?  If they ever stood for something, they don’t now, do they?  Have you heard their name once in all of this?  I may have heard a whisper, long ago, but no more, and certainly nothing in the past year or so.

And of course universities are not hard to buy, not with donations as small as tens of millions of dollars, which is chump change.  As a meme I recently posted put it, 97% of academics are happy to agree with whomever provides their funding.

And I have to wonder if more public health experts have not called BS on this COVID nonsense for the specific reason that pressure was brought to bear on Administrators to keep them silent.  I am thinking of Cal in particular, whose behavior has been nothing less than shameful.  THEY ARE NOT THAT STUPID.

Yes, the office people are, the bloviating, hard core ideologues.  But the people who study policy, who understand pandemics, who know how we rid the world of smallpox, and how we fight cholera and dysentery, who know what masks will and will not do, who understand the importance of nutritional immunosufficiency: those people have largely been silent, and it is not hard to believe they have been SILENCED.  Speak up and lose your job.  Speak up and lose your funding.  Speak up and a mob of zombified wolves will show up at your doorstep.  Speak up and your name will be dragged through the mud systematically, such that your own family–if they believe any of it–will disown you.  SPEAK UP AND YOU WILL BE HATED.


Vitamin D and Zinc

Here are some interesting statistics, from before the COVID era:

On average 41% of Americans are Vitamin D deficient.  DOUBLE that–82%–of black Americans are deficient.

These statistics are from 2011.  There have been no public health campaigns I have heard of to change this, so those numbers still likely hold.

To my mind, given the many benefits we know about with respect to D, and the many unnecessary ailments that deficiency carries with it, this should have been treated TEN YEARS AGO as a matter of high national urgency.

Why wasn’t it?  I don’t know, any more than I can even hazard an intelligent guess as to why even the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration had nothing to say about D and zinc (and magnesium).

And it does not differentiate, in the part I can read, between winter and summer.  Vitamin D deficiency is known to be a seasonal problem above a certain line of latitude that runs somewhere through America, and includes just about all States north of Kansas or so.  Obviously it gets worse the farther north you are, and conversely, deficiency at any time in Florida is likely rare, so the rates must be REALLY bad up north.

In, say, Chicago, rates among black folks might approach 100% in the winter time.  Given that D is also a mood regulator, could that not have social effects?  I think so, and think I have argued that here.

And as I have mentioned, but will mention again: D deficiency among black folks is more common because their skin does not absorb it as well as paler skin.  The rate is also much higher among Hispanics [by the way, would the Latinx thing not be better solved just by alternating Latino and Latina, as smarter folks alternate he and her when talking in the abstract about when “one” does something or other?  Or hell, use Latina exclusively for a time if it floats your boat.]

And here is an analogy that occurred to me: Vitamin D is like having sprinklers in a building.  If you have a fire, it helps put those fires out.  It is a hormonal regulator that affects the immune system.

If there is a Vitamin D deficiency, as it touches COVID, it is unable to stop the cytokine storm we all read so much about a year ago.  It is unable to put out the fire, which burns uncontrollably.  By actual measurement (where I cannot recall and will not look up now, but I think it was Spain), 80% of people in the hospital for COVID were Vitamin D deficient.

Zinc would be water pressure.  If you are zinc deficient, your immune system is already compromised.  You might get water out, but not enough.  Enough zinc at the outset, bolstered by regular intake of zinc while ill, creates even and sufficient water flow, which is to say a nutritionally optimized immune system.

Zinc is consumed by the immune system.  If you are not taking it while you are sick, it may suck it all up.  As I have no doubt said, this is most likely why people wind up losing their sense of smell and taste: both are dependent on zinc.  What is enough zinc when you are not sick (I won’t pretend to know what that is, but I don’t think it is very much) is not even remotely enough when you ARE sick.

As I have said, I take 30 mg of zinc a day.  That is likely significantly more than I need, but less than what it seems to me is even remotely likely to be unhealthy.  And when I may or may not have had COVID a month or so ago, I took 100 mg the first day, and 50 mg a day thereafter until I had full remission of symptoms, which took 4 days or so.

My symptoms, by the way, were excessive fatigue and achiness, a chill in my back, and a mild dry cough that lasted 3 days.  I couldn’t decide if I was sick, since I was working hard, but the chill decided me.  I never took any medicine but my vitamins (I think I’ve got some Advil or something around, but I literally go years, and the plural is accurate, without taking pain killers) and it was nothing more than a mild annoyance.  I stayed home until I had been symptom free for three days, but it was nothing.

The only reason I think it may have been COVID is a guy on my job site tested positive, and I had been working near him; and I also DON’T EVER GET SICK with anything.  Ever.  I don’t get colds.  I have only had the flu once in my life, and have never had a flu shot.  So whatever it was must have been a bit more potent than the usual stuff floating around.

And as I’ve shared, my life changed as little as possible in the past year.  I’ve been hanging out in crowded bars since they reopened last summer, and most of the places I work nobody gives a shit in any way.  No masks, no distancing, no weird paranoid femboy crap.  A lot of the guys have had it, but it wasn’t much for any of them.  I’ve heard by now dozens of stories, at least.  The existence of this disease changed nothing.

So I’ve been exposed.  That much is certain.  I’m either immune, or I’ve had it, and it wasn’t anything to worry about. It really doesn’t matter either way.  I feel exactly zero anxiety about this fucking thing.  It’s my government that keeps me awake at night.  Actually, that’s not quite true.  I’m sleeping pretty well these days.  And having some interesting dreams that will not be shared here.

But every day I am asking: what the hell is REALLY going on?  I don’t know, and if you are honest, neither do you, unless you are in the small elite that either is controlling it, or thinks it is controlling it.


The 1%

What matters is what the average standard of living is.  Do you own a car?  A house?  Indoor plumbing?  Hot water?  Clean water?  A refrigerator?  Internet access?  Etc.

What does not matter much at all is income disparity, if everyone is doing relatively well.

And in most Socialist nations you still have an elite who run the thing and have vastly more prosperity, meaning income inequality remains high, with the major and significant difference that it cannot be corrected.  The peons cannot rise, because in an anti-meritocracy (which might be a useful synonym for “egalitarian”) no amount of work or talent is sufficient to improve your lot.  Kissing asses is the only way to get ahead.

And since such Kleptocrats are members of the government and not “Capitalists”, their being more equal than the rest is easy for them to justify to themselves.


COVID, two more short comments

In any major, complex disaster, should the first thing not be to solicit all qualified opinions, debate them publicly, then choose the best, while keeping minds and eyes open for ways to improve?

To my mind one of the most conspicuous features of all this is the refusal of so many people to LEARN, to adapt, to look at the landscape and notice it is changing.

We know vastly more than we knew a year ago.  We now know Sweden’s approach worked, or at least worked vastly better in absolute metrics of death and disease than ours, and with vastly less tyrannical overreach and psychological and economic damage.

I was talking with someone today who is on the other side, and asked do you know what the estimated death rate is for those who are infected?  She didn’t want to know.

How could you not want to know?  The world has been shut down over this fucking thing.  Is it 1 in 10?  1 in a 100?  1 in 2?  What is it?

So many people just seem to have entered the Twilight Zone, and have no plans to leave until they are told by the government to leave.  That is scary to me.

And regarding Sweden specifically, I saw the argument repeatedly in the past week that “Sweden had a death rate TEN TIMES that of their neighbors”.  It was repeated so often, you have to wonder if they created a macro for it.

Here is the FACT: Sweden had a lower death rate than we did, but it was still ten times that of Finland and Norway.

This means, logically, that WE, the UNITED STATES also had a death rate that was ten times that of Finland.  I think it is actually 12x, if memory serves.

Is the logical question not “what are they doing so much better?”  If reason were involved, would we not be more concerned with what Norway and Finland are getting right than what Sweden is supposedly doing wrong?

Do you know?  I don’t.  I don’t have enough data to be smart about it, but I do recall reading that Vitamin D deficiency in Finland is less than 1%, even in the winter, since they supplement D heavily.  I think they put it in many foods, including all dairy products, which I think they consume a lot of.  In the United States in contrast, in some populations–like the black population–80% or more might be deficient, particularly in the winter.  It’s about 41% in the population as a whole, I assume on average across a year, and presumably higher in the winter and lower in the summer.

Here is one study:

There is so much intelligence about all this which is possible, but absent.


COVID and Smallpox

I just discovered this idea and article, which I will excerpt at length:

“In 2006, at the order of the Bush administration, some computer science programmers with a small group of public health officials began to resurrect a premodern idea of quarantines, closures, and measured lockdowns. This way of thinking is not just premodern; it turned the logic of modern medicine on its head. It was based on a theory that we should just run away from viruses, whereas Dr. Henderson’s whole life had been devoted to implementing the great discovery of modern virus theory that we need not flee but rather build immunity through science, either natural immunities or via vaccines.

“At the age of 78, Dr. Henderson swung into action and composed a masterful response to the new fashion for quarantines and lockdowns. The result was Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza. Henderson, though listed last, was the primary author along with co-authors  Thomas V.Inglesby, epidemiologist Jennifer B. Nuzzo, and physician Tara O’Toole.

“Here is the riveting conclusion:

Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted. Strong political and public health leadership to provide reassurance and to ensure that needed medical care services are provided are critical elements. If either is seen to be less than optimal, a manageable epidemic could move toward catastrophe.”

Is this more or less not what Tegnell did in Sweden?  They apparently have high spike protein injection compliance because the Swedes trust their authorities, who did not fuck with them, or change their mind every five minutes for nakedly political reasons.

As people like Martin Kulldorff have pointed out, the disingenuousness, incompetence, outright lies, and continual policy vacillations of the CDC and NIH have caused a very high percentage of  Americans to lose trust in those institutions entirely.  I have.  I trust the National Enquirer as much, and perhaps a bit more, than Anthony Fauci.

This makes all policy recommendations harder to get into place, at least in conditions of freedom, and conditions of authoritarian coercion are going, in this country, to get people shot if they go too far beyond what the Constitution allows our government to legally do.

And as I have pointed out, if you are diagnosed with COVID THERE IS NOTHING MOST DOCTORS CAN LEGALLY DO until you get really sick.  In many places they can’t give you Ivermectin or HCQ, and for whatever reason nobody anywhere is pushing Vitamin D and Zinc supplementation, which likely help as late as being symptomatic, although having sufficient amounts at all times is better.

And even though Ivermectin and HCQ are SAFE, and KNOWN to be safe, they were sidelined in really sketchy ways; in my view patently corrupt and scientifically indefensible ways which scream corruption and politics and knowing lies.

And is it not INTERESTING that all this was being gamed out 15 years ago?  From what Judy Mikovits and others have testified, the NIH or CDC had all the patents on some of the coronaviruses back then.  I think they patented SARS-CoV-1.  It’s in this documentary:

So you have the guy who ended Smallpox more or less anticipating 2020 and calling bullshit on nearly everything that has been done; you have the guy who invented PCR saying it should not be used for medical testing; and you have Dr. Robert Malone, who invented mRNA technology, saying that we need to do a LOT more research on these shots before offering them, much less forcing people to take them.

Oh, and you have the Nobel Laureate who discovered HIV saying the shots are going to make things WORSE, possibly MUCH worse, and you have the fact that the two discoverers of Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize for it, but that it is being called horse dewormer by people who would know better if they wanted to know better.



Abortion, further comments

I’m not going to pontificate any more.  It’s tiring.

And I am well aware of my own flaws.  Judge not lest ye be judged applies not just to God but human beings.  Everybody wants the bombastic asshole to get in trouble.  I get that.  I have been told to get bent countless times, by I have no idea how many people.  About 10% of them were on solid ground.

But I wanted to add some more territory.  Some fertilizer, perhaps, depending on your viewpoint.  But there needs to be more greenery in the middle, more flowers, more PEOPLE.

Another Facebook post I saw–and its conceivable this person knows about this blog, although I have not advertised it in many years and can count on one hand the number of people I’ve told about it face to face–had it that men would care a LOT more about getting women pregnant if they had to pay half the expenses for everything, including half the insurance.

This could be true.  I don’t know.  Here is the thing: I am ALL FOR all the ancillary negotiations.

There is room to write laws about fatherhood and paternity. There is no reason abortion restrictions cannot come with increased legal liability (in effect) for men who knock up women.

There is room to provide State money for birth control, and to mandate basic sex education by a certain age before puberty (although I think the Left is way ahead on this curve, since they seem to be trying to sexualize our young).

There is room to make girls who are in a certain demographic carry around those fake kids for a week–or at least give them incentive to.

We have a reasonably good idea who is most at risk: it is mainly the children of single mothers in poor homes, particularly if the mother is uneducated.

I have read stories about this experience: it scares the crap out of a lot of these girls because it gives them a REALISTIC idea what it is like to have a baby.  I think many of them think a baby will give them the love they lack–and which the father of the child lacked–but of course babies feed on love, they don’t give it.  That is not their job, even though bad parents corral them into it.

So there is tons of room for compromise.  You give me this, and I will accept that.  Negotiation.  Middle ground.  Politics in its pure form is the art of compromise.

But the Left has largely pissed away its negotiating leverage.  They have been calling anyone, lately, who opposes abortion at ANY stage–even the 2nd trimester, even at BIRTH–horrible names.  Most pro-lifers got tired of getting insulted and yelled at, oh, around 1995.  The heartbeat bill could perhaps just as easily have been the first trimester, but the authors probably said, in their own Christian way, FUCK those people.  We are doing this the way WE want, and they can go sit on a fucking pole.

This is what you get when you destroy the middle.

[I have lost opportunities personally I can’t know how many times because I have a pronounced tendency to be overbearing and rude.  I know why it happens, psychodynamically.  I could give you a 20 minute or 20 cent lecture on it.  But nobody cares.  I’m much, much better than I used to be, but there are definitely some train wrecks in my past.]

If, however, the Left would just admit BABIES ARE PEOPLE, then they could get a lot more of the stuff they WOULD want if they were actually trying to improve the world.

As I say, they really aren’t.  They are trying to burn the world down.

But I wanted to put this on the table.  Saying that fathers should play a larger role is not an anti-abortion argument.  It is an argument for better laws, laws which could and should be discussed, analyzed, debated and–if they make sense–passed into law by sober, honest, intelligent, public spirited, and fair people.  That is the theory.



Vaccines, to my mind–for reasons I have discussed if anything too much–are neither necessary nor sufficient for a recovery to a condition roughly equal to the freedoms we took for granted as late as January 2020.

Natural immunity is fully sufficient, and in my view it is NECESSARY.  I think that is what Sweden has.  My reasoning was that lockdowns mess people’s immune systems up in general, and the spike protein injections seem to be specific to each variant; and the more widespread these specific immunities without general immunities are–the more jabs have been dealt out–the more likely more variants become.  The more shots you give, the more you need.

As I have said, Luc Montagnier, who is smarter and more knowledgeable than either of us, has been pointing to this likelihood, using both an understanding of the processes involved, and the history of epidemiological science itself, as evidence for the better part of a year.

So the science is not being followed now, any more than it was at the outset.  Assuming a base level of competency, then politics, not science, is obviously the dominant factor.  Then the question becomes logically: Cui bono?  Who benefits from this thing, and who has the money and power and connections to drive rational scientists in irrational anti-scientific directions?

To my mind, we are in the end game of a chess match, at least with regard to the specific tyranny of COVID, although our freedoms globally may well be on the chopping block too.  The core goals have been accomplished.  The main one was ensuring that the one superpower in the world was not controlled by someone who was not a reliable pawn of a global elite, whose membership in detail I will not try and guess.  They are more or less inferable from their influence, like black holes are inferred by their effects on visible things around them.  Some of them are likely politicians, but the core elite most likely is not.  They BUY politicians, who more or less work as shop foremen for the work they direct them to do.  They buy worker bees. Myrmidons.  They grade them and give them reviews, and they fire them if they don’t do the work to their satisfaction, and replace them.

So the main goal was getting rid of Donald Trump, whose victory in 2016 was due entirely to their overconfidence in their ability to cheat, and in their rigged polls, which they forgot were rigged.  Being psychopaths, they easily assumed they were invincible.  They had a 5% swing, and Hillary was ahead in the polls.  How could you lose?

Secondary goals including testing the limits of people’s tolerance for tyranny; putting most small business out of business, or putting severe stress on it, such that many could be bought for cheap, as could real estate in some places and much else; stealing a lot of money from the Treasury in the “stimuluses”; and making a lot of money for their pharmaceutical “subsidiaries”.

What they need to avoid, as I have commented, is a public reckoning with the sheer irrationality and pointlessness of the past year of tyrannical overreach, trauma, stress and destruction in many forms.

And as I have commented, their most obvious play is to create the perception that vaccines, and vaccines ALONE, enabled a return to normality.  This accomplishes, obviously, the main policy aim of making the past year seem regrettable but necessary, which is a lie; but they also create a template for coerced vaccination, for government control of people’s lives in detail (with one dystopian model being tested in Australia); and of course they stand to make tens or hundreds of billions of dollars.

I personally don’t think the vaccines contain anything but dodgy lab created compounds which may or may not be safe.  But at some future point, as technology increases, and COMPLIANCE increases, they may actually have some of the things in them people fear, up to and including agents which effect our cognition and volition directly.

People of good will in positions of influence and power need to SEE what is happening, and need to oppose it.  I can’t do much but try and see better than most, and describe what I see, but there are more good people out there than psychopaths.  We will not lose if the honest people do their jobs en masse, particularly in an organized mass.  But that also requires courage, of the sort this guy displayed, and I am far from confident such courage will prevail.  The land of the cowardly cannot long remain the land of the free.