
A Doctors’ Hippocratic Union

You know and I know the Rome Declaration won’t be covered by most media.  I will be shocked if it is.

And it SHOULD be.  Highly qualified doctors have made non-trivial statements based on evidence and experience that we should listen to and consider in the halls of power, and in front of the water cooler.

Specifically, it needs to get out to as many DOCTORS as possible.  You can’t do that through media.  You won’t be able to do it through the AMA, which is every bit as corrupt as the CDC and NIH.

The doctors of the world need some means of banding together, and of communicating BETTER than they do today.  Obviously, all sorts of things go out continually that none of us see.  Perhaps this need is already taken care of.

But it SHOULD be the case that every practicing doctor hears of this thing in the next week, and there should be some mechanism of ensuring that.

And there needs to be some means for doctors to band together, as a de facto union, and push back against the encroachments on their profession, their professional judgment, and in the end their ability to heal their patients.  Many of them have been forced by NIH and CDC to watch people die they could have saved.  That has to hurt, for any genuinely caring person.

A mass of doctors saying NO would have political power.  And a mass of doctors aligned and organized somewhere other than the AMA would create the possibility of changing some things that need changing, such as the overwhelming focus on pharmaceuticals, and near complete silence regarding how people can protect their own health.

Doctors, as healers, can do much better.  But they will not do much better within this system, which exists to protect Big Pharma, and not to prevent illness, or in most cases to cure it.



Sports is one of our most important means of tribal connection.  If you want to be in the midst of a unified screaming mob, if you want to BELONG with your fellow tribesmen–in a spirit not entirely different from dancing around the fire–attending live sports events, or watching them with friends, is the closest many of us come.

This makes sports non-trivial socially, in many ways.

It’s easy to look on modern America and see superficiality.  I myself have done it many times, and most likely in the past week.  At the same time, a more astute eye can see hundreds of millions of souls trying to solve the problems of life in the best ways they can.

And an intelligent person would and should learn from them what they have figured out that WORKS.  Sports works, in many ways.  It is not quite a church, but not quite not a church, particularly when you compare it to arena churches.

I think for many of us, there is even a sort of mythos.  There are the greats like Gayle Sayers and Johnny Unitas.  There is the on-going disbelief some of us have sustained for some two decades that Tom Brady can be that fucking good.

There are many hidden patterns in the world, and many of the most interesting ones are found behind seemingly banal doors.


Look at these graphs

What happened?  Fiat currency happened.

WTF Happened in 1971?

Apparently both Jack Dorsey and Edward Snowden have tweeted this in the past few days.

Here is the thing: money creation is theft.  That theft is measurable as increases in income disparity, and reductions in real wage growth despite huge increase in real value.

We just saw, perhaps, the largest theft in American history.  What did we print?  $4 trillion or something?  All that money will diminish the value of all other money in existence.  We call that process “inflation”, and remember inflation is a downriver symptom of theft.  It is a symptom, not the disease.

I continue to believe that this is THE issue, the core issue, the thing that drives our wars, our poverty, our employment cycles, and all the hate and frustration and anger and despair that go with all of those.

And I continue believe that, while a gold standard is good, fixing the quantity of money once and NEVER TOUCHING IT AGAIN, is by far the sanest, safest and most promising remedy we have for nearly everything.  Let us say only $5 trillion should be in existence.  Let it never vary.  Not one penny less, or one penny more.

The value of money in the bank would increase vastly faster than the best interest rates now.  It would make SENSE to save, to think about tomorrow, to plan for the future.  As I have said more than once the CULTURAL and social effects of inflation are subtle, but real and highly pernicious (like mask wearing, like locking people in their homes).

All of our problems have solutions.  All of them.  Environmental, population related, social, economic, medical: it can be palliated and in most cases eliminated.  We simply have to get the leaches off our back, who are sucking our sanity and national wealth dry.

Capitalists are the good guys, at least the honest ones.  It is BANKERS, and the people behind the bankers, behind our banking SYSTEM, who are the true crooks in all this.

The world could and should be vastly more prosperous and free than it is.  Bad money is, in the end, the core problem in nearly all cases.


Pandemic of undertreatment

Give this a look too:

I will ask you to ponder one more time the FACT that safe treatments–Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin–for which we have many decades of data across cumulatively tens of billions of doses given, on the very low side–were suppressed when NO EARLY TREATMENT ALTERNATIVE EXISTED.

Remdesvir–which is presumably very profitable for Big Pharma–got an EUA, but very cheap, very safe medicines which showed promise were systematically suppressed and denigrated, with no second option.

If you got COVID, according to the NIH and CDC, and you talked with your doctor, he or she would tell you to home and wait.  If you got better, all was fine.  If not, to the hospital.  And what could the hospital do?  Keep you hydrated, maybe a Vitamin C drip, Remdesvir, and of course the death engines, the ventilators.

This is undertreatment.  The doctors agency and professional opinion were trampled on, and for no defensible reason.  That is why this conference happened.  That is why thousands of doctors are signing the declaration.

Remember, the two weeks to flatten the curve was originally about ventilators?  Do you remember that?  It’s good to forget awful things, and that was an awful thing.

But memory is what you need to recognize when people are lying to you, shifting around like snakes, and moving the goalposts and goals, changing the language, always clinging to the power, but changing the reasons.

This whole thing is madness.  Collective psychosis.  This disease kills 15 people in 10,000, who in nearly all cases were already sick.  It is less dangerous than the flu for everyone who is healthy, under 70 or so.  We deal with the flu every year.  Why not last year?  Why not this year?  Once it was clear we had adequate hospital capacity, why did we continue to do ANYTHING?

At first, it was about cheating Joe Biden into the White House, but the results were so spectacular, the bulk of the world so fucking supine with their asses in the air, just waiting for it again (BOHICA), that the scope was vastly expanded.  I don’t think anyone ever thought the world would be this fucking compliant and stupid, and certainly not the scientific world.


More voices, finally

Over 4,200 physicians and medical scientists worldwide have signed the “Rome Declaration” to alert citizens about the deadly consequences of Covid-19 policy makers’ and medical authorities’ unprecedented behavior; behavior such as denying patient access to lifesaving early treatments, disrupting the sacred, physician-patient relationship and suppressing open scientific discussion for profits and power.

The Declaration was created by physicians and scientists during the Rome Covid Summit, and immediately catalyzed support from doctors around the world. These professionals, many of whom are on the front lines of pandemic treatment, have experienced career threats, character assassination, censorship of scientific papers and research, social media accounts blocked, online search results manipulated, clinical trials and patient observations banned, and their professional history and accomplishments minimized in both academic and mainstream media.

Though the declaration’s signatories are diverse in their specialties, treatment philosophies and medical opinions, they have risen up to take a collective stand against authoritarian measures by corporations, medical associations, and governments and their respective agencies. The objective of the declaration is to reclaim their leadership role in conquering this pandemic.

In concert with the declaration, the signatories have created a “Doctors – and Scientists-only” COVID information platform so that citizens can make informed decisions for their families without interruption, manipulation, politicization, or profiteering from external forces outside of the doctor-patient relationship.

The inventor mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, is then supposed to read the declaration, but there is no link on that page.  If they used YouTube, it lasted all of ten seconds.  Ponder that.  Is that honest?  Is it good?  Is it compassionate or caring?  Is it not EVIL (and keep in mind they found they had to abandon the unofficial slogan “don’t be evil”, which should be a joke, but seemingly isn’t), given how much pain this perverted science is causing, both now, and in the future?

Can it be labeled anything BUT corrupt and wrong, when highly qualified experts are censored for no reason but that they are using data and high levels of expertise to dispute the scientific validity of a tyrannical political narrative?

And to be clear, I was highly pleased with the Great Barrington Declaration.  That sort of thing was a balm for people like me, who were searching for shreds of integrity and courage in a benighted world, and very, very happy to stumble on things like that.

But en masse virtually ALL doctors, with almost no exceptions, have to have major doubts.  Maybe they have been giving Fauci the benefit of the doubt, but there has to come a point for all of them when they have to surrender their intelligence or their obedience.  They can’t have both.  You have to make a choice, and if you are an honest and intelligent human being, you have to follow the actual science, which points in nearly the opposite direction of most of the policies being pushed on us.


Few thoughts on Communism, Imperialism and Community

Communism is an It, not an Us.  Misunderstanding this historical and theoretical and practical fact is what allows it to retain romantic appeal in the minds of soft headed and desperately needy and ignorant morons.

I really like that Shen Yun has the slogan “China before  Communism”.

But it also occurs to me that unless they represent all the regions of China, they are really representing a part of China.  That is all to the good, but winding my mind down this particular road, it occurs to me to comment that Imperial China was precisely that: an Empire.  The Mandarin speakers imposed on many other de facto nations the same sort of control that the British and others did on China as a whole.  Canton speaks another language.  They speak other languages, effectively, I think, in Sichuan and Xi’an, and other places I don’t know about.

It’s interesting that I think they can use the same ideograms to communicate, but in my understanding pronounce them COMPLETELY differently.  It’s a sort of meta-language, or so I understand.

But could one not reasonably stipulate that any nation which includes disparate linguistic and cultural groups–and particularly one which imposes a Lingua Franca, like Latin or English–is almost definitionally an empire?

I think we need to reverse direction, away from centralization, and towards the fragmentation of nations.  If we develop elements of a global culture worthy of the name, then we can readily make our peace with one another, and keep what fragments remain, at least those worthy of keeping.

Is Deglobalization a word?  It must be, since my typewriter allowed me to type it.  I am a Deglobalist.

And to be sure, I would like the status of women raised around the world.  I would like ignorance based shunning and discrimination to cease.  But we can do this culturally, slowly, and over time.  People open up when you stop pushing.


The Tortoise and the Hare

I am going to allow myself to state a truism that is very old: Consistency is more important than either efficiency or scale of effort.

This is mainly a note to myself.


Further thought on Afghanistan

It finally hit me that what Afghanistan felt like to me was the conclusion of a business negotiation, which had been about the management of the country, and at the conclusion of which Joe Biden–who had been a financial participant and stake holder in the negotiations–was told to turn the country over to the new management with the utmost dispatch, which he did.

This idea is related, of course, to the pipeline being built:

The only thing I am sure about is that that Wikipedia article is incomplete, and I have no idea who all the players, in specific, may be.  I am sharing a feeling mainly.

What caused me to think about this was speaking to a Burmese person (who, by the way, said that Burma is fine, and the one most Burmese use when traveling, but the emphasis is on the second syllable), who said that the Chinese want to build two pipelines across Burma.

I had asked him if the opposition–which had won the election but then been deposed by the military, among allegations of fraud, which may themselves have been fraudulent–had any weapons.  He said no.  I asked him who was arming the Burmese military.  He said the Russians and Chinese.  I asked him why, and he said the Russians wanted an ally in that region, and the Chinese wanted to build their pipelines, and eventually perhaps turn Burma into a Soviet style extension, and get access for themselves to a port in their West.  The Soviet part is my idea, not his, but it was the general feeling whenever I hear the phrase “warm water port”.  What I heard was they want to do to Burma roughly what Russia wanted to do with Iran, purportedly.

So did China sponsor and support the coup?  It’s not unlikely.  We ourselves of course have done that sort of thing all around the world.

Here is one last thought: if China does achieve some degree of control in Afghanistan, they could in effect use the Taliban to train Islamic radicals for proxy attacks on the West.

Now, I got the Terror bug.  I bought into it.  I was afraid.  I was more afraid of Al Queda than my government.  That has inverted.

But imagine Al Queda or ISIS with effective training in terrorism provided by China, and as directed by a nation which views us as their main global threat, as indeed we are, or would be, if we had a faithful and patriotic President and Congress.  As things stand, we seem to be ruled by corrupt traitors, who hate us, hate our way of life, and who may as well be aliens from some place far from here.



Science is about data.  And it occurs to me that, while different people can and usually do reach differing conclusions after all the data is dumped on the table, in actual science, they are looking at the same data sets.  They will prioritize some data, denigrate other data, overall form a picture based on their own construction of what matters and what they are being told by the facts at that moment.

What has NOT happened with the COVID Response Pandemic–the pandemic of horrific and abusive government–is honest data sets compiled and compared in public.  We have two tables.  Two world views, which–in my own view–consist on one side in fake data (or worse: completely unbacked assertions, which have become Fauci’s stock-in-trade) and on the other in real data.

This is yet one more way of saying that science doesn’t have a fucking thing to do with any of this.  It’s a smoke screen on lies told for a variety of venal motives, in general by psychopaths who very literally could not care less who is hurt, and who maybe even gloat at the prospect and reality of mass human suffering.


Arizona Audit

I feel the need to comment.  I also feel the need to stop doing posts like this.  But here it is:

What the audit determined is that the ballots said what we were told they said.  This is actually not a surprising finding.  A fake ballot for Joe Biden which was added to his total on Nov. 3rd will still be a fake ballot today.

There were 17,000 duplicate ballots which should not have been counted at all, and some 57,000 problems of sufficient gravity that they should have gone into “secondary inspection” and many of them rejected (which of course is not the role of an auditor).

Here is the undeniable point: for those who doubt the integrity of our elections, that audit gave us enormous evidence.

From the Executive Summary:

None of the various systems related to elections had numbers that would balance and agree with each other. In some cases, these differences were significant.
• There appears to be many 27, 807 ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election.
• Files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server.
• Ballot images 284,412 on the EMS were corrupt or missing.
• Logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over, and all the data in the database related to the 2020 General Election had been fully cleared.
• On the ballot side, batches were not always clearly delineated, duplicated ballots were missing the required serial numbers, originals were duplicated more than once, and the Auditors were never provided Chain-of Custody documentation for the ballots for the time-period prior to the ballot’s movement into the Auditors’ care. This all increased the complexity and difficulty in properly auditing the results; and added ambiguity into the final conclusions.
• Maricopa County failed to follow basic cyber security best practices and guidelines from CISA
• Software and patch protocols were not followed
• Credential management was flawed: unique usernames and passwords were not allocated
• Lack of baseline for host and network activity for approved programs, communications protocols and communications devices for voting systems

Data was destroyed, the network was open to hacking, they were not able to document chain of custody–which is BASIC–and 27,000 votes were likely not valid, since the people casting them had moved.

Any or all of these EASILY could have cost Trump the election.  The point of an audit is to ideally determine what DID happen if possible; since that was made impossible by the destruction of evidence, then the goal is to find out what flaws COULD have been exploited, and they were found in nearly every place they COULD be found.  Ballot stuffing likely happened.  Hacking likely happened.

And Gateway Pundit reported a lot of stuff was left out, and the language made less clear to mollify, presumably, the corrupt cowards among the Arizona Republicans.

And think about this, many of these ballots could have been created in the month or so after the election it took Arizona to certify the election, and then logged into the voting data system and added to official tallies, then the dates erased with everything else.  Again, no chain of custody equals a tinpot dictatorship election.  This is Banana Republic stuff.

So all this provides MORE, not less reason to question the results of the election.  These are not the problems and mistakes of people working honestly for the public good.  You don’t delete your accounting records just prior to an audit, and claim innocence.  And if you are an accountant, you do not allow the numbers not to match in various places, or for large discrepancies to go uncorrected.  Not when the numbers matter, as they obviously do in a national Presidential election.

It is of course par for the course that the media is more or less reporting all this to unwitting Quisling sheep as if it validated Biden.  The TRUTH is the opposite, which is the usual case.

There were at least five times or so the number of likely illegal votes needed for Trump to have won in a fair election.

And keep in mind this is just Maricopa County, or so I understand.  It contains about two thirds of the voters in Arizona, but there still remain about 2 million more people in Arizona.